Meredith: What happened!?
Cristina: A bus in front of him hit a telephone pole. He tried to swerve and miss it, but ...
Meredith: How bad is it?
Richard: Meredith -
Cristina: Meredith, you're gonna have to be strong.

We're sloppy, just like everybody else. We've been resting on our laurels. You have all been failing. Failing to take initiative. Failing to ask tough questions. Failing to practice your skills. Failing to give opportunity TO practice skills. And I let it happen. So you have not failed. We have failed. Well, it stops, and it stops now.

The surgical training protocol is officially being changed, people. The bar has been raised. Consider yourselves on notice.

Richard: I also heard a story that you constructed an O.R. table from an exploded Humvee in the middle of the desert, is that true?
Owen: Well, you have to be innovative in the middle of the desert.
Richard: You have to be innovative everywhere. How would you like a job, Dr. Hunt?
Owen: I... appreciate the offer, but I have to go back to the sand pit. Finish my tour.

Richard: With a pen!? You trach'd this guy with an ink pen?
Owen: So?
Cristina: Pen? Trach? Hot!

Richard: Am I to understand you stole these traumas from Mercy West.
Miranda: I don't know what'cha talkin' about.
Richard: Good job. 'Cause now it's personal.

Owen: Leave it right where it is! You get stabbed in the chest, you're lucky enough to still be breathing. You leave the knife in, at least until you figure out what's going on inside. Leave it in!
Cristina: Take it out!
Richard: Leave it in!

Meredith: Chief. Vincent Kenner... We gave him 31 units of blood. Fresh frozen plasma. Multiple liters of LR. We did everything we knew how to do, we just couldn't bring him back.
Richard: You don't know how to do anything. None of you. You're half way through your 2nd year of residency and you walk around this hospital like it's your God given right to be here. Well it is not, Dr. Grey. I assure you. You are here because I allow it. You are here to do what i say. And the one thing I ask you to do you can't even save...
Derek: Richard! We can't save everybody.
Richard: We should try harder. We should try harder.

Apparently some people thought I was kidding last week when I said that no one was going to be able to hang out in their favorite specialty anymore. I WASN'T. Junior residents do not specialize. So all the requests to send you back to the special place where your true heart lives can end now. Dr. Bailey makes the assignments, do not - I repeat do not, harang her.

O'Malley. I made a call. They do not have your score yet, if I knew I would tell you.

Richard: O'Malley: Test results.
Lexie: You passed! You're not an intern anymore!

RICHARD: "Yang, what is that smell?"
CRISTINA: "That's feces. Baby feces."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
