Lexie: Chief... I can't let the two of you get in trouble for this.
Meredith: Lexie-
Lexie: No, it's not right. People tried to stop me. Dr. Yang told me yesterday to shut it down?
Richard: You knew about this YESTERDAY?

I've seen a lot of maturity from you throughout this whole mess. You handled the crisis. And you call for help right away. There was a time not so long ago when you would have come to a different conclusion. You could have stuck to the code and saved your own. Tried to hide the whole mess. You know sometimes, protecting your colleagues is solidarity. And sometimes it's just hubris. I'm glad to see you know the difference.

The first solo surgery will take place tonight.

Choosing the first solo surgery isn't just about who has the best surgical skills. Or who's logged the most hours in the OR. It's about the highest form of trust. The trust to put a patient's life into one of our residents' hands. And for the first time I can recall, every single attending picked the same person. Dr. Yang. However, Dr. Yang is out of the running. She is going to pick the winner instead. Dr. Yang will post her decision on the O.R. board at 4 p.m. Also, since your interns are still banned from the O.R., the winner will be allowed to pick a fellow resident to scrub in with them. Good luck.

Cristina: This is torture for me.
Richard: I'm not even done.
Cristina: Sir?
Richard: Dr. Dixon's back. You'll be spending the day with her. You will impress her. And you will make sure this hospital impresses her. By the end of the day, I want that woman to be my next head of cardio. If she's not, I will know who to blame.

I'm worried about my hospital dying. I made some calls to replace Kinley. No one wants to come here. I can't keep a cardiac surgeon on staff. Burke quit. Hahn quit. Dixon's autistic. My OR roof collapsed, the whole place flooded. The interns are literally chopping each other into little pieces. No wonder we're number 12. Twelve!

Derek: She said a thing about babies. Like babies were a totally ordinary idea. She's not afraid, she's ready.
Mark: When are you gonna do it?
Richard: Do what?
Mark: Shepherd's proposing.
Richard: No kidding, outstanding!
Derek: Yeah.

Richard: How are you gonna do it?
Derek: I don't know. I just decided.
Owen: Morning. Sir.
Mark: Shepherd's proposing.
Owen: Congratulations. That's a big step.
Derek: Thank you very much. Are you just gonna tell everybody now?
Mark: You need advice. Hunt, have you ever proposed before?
Owen: Sorry, I'm not the guy to ask. When are you gonna do it?
Derek: More importantly, how am I gonna do it?

Richard: So ah, ah, how are you gonna do it? Um, go big? A grand, romantic gesture?
Derek: Um, I... I don't know yet, Chief. I'm not sure that Meredith is the grand gesture kind of girl.
Richard: Oh you wanna do the grand gesture.

Richard: It's the opening page of your marriage. It can determine the entire game. You've gotta go all out. Now your plan should include: Flowers, candles, exotic foods, live musicians, and a row boat. Sky writing is not out of the question. You've gotta go...
Meredith: Dr. Shepherd.
Derek: Yes?
Richard: Ah, you've gotta... um... hmm... yeah.

Meredith: Hi, um...
Derek: What's up?
Meredith: I need a Neuro consult.
Derek: Ok.
Richard: Yeah, that's... you better go.
Derek: Thanks Chief. Ok.

Richard: Oh, Shepherd! Thank god your back. Can you swing two brain biopsies today?
Derek: I'm not operating.
Richard: Look, I know you've got a big law suit breathing down your neck, and I know you lost a patient. But, I need you back to work doing the job I hired you to do.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
