Richard: I know I have no business asking you for anything, but I need your help. I need you to bring Derek back. And he's not fine.
Meredith: Sometimes people just wanna be left alone.
Richard: He's planning to propose. He's been carrying around a big ring for weeks. That's not a man who wants to be left alone. I just thought you should know.

Miranda: Do I look like a therapist?!
Richard: You asked!

Miranda: I've lost Hunt and Torres, see I sent them to get Shepherd and ... never heard from them again ... I was trying to solve the Shepherd situation for you sir, but it appears that I somehow made it three times worse.
Richard: [stares]
Miranda: So I'm telling you and my next move I believe is that I'm gonna call the police because I'm half convinced that they're all dead ... on a spit ... with an one armed man turning them into shish kabob sir ... It's my mind it just goes there.

Miranda: Ah Chief, I need to ask you something
Richard: Sloan, have you heard from Derek?
Mark: No.
Richard: Oh, I'm sorry. You were saying? Oh! Meredith!
Meredith: No, I don't know how he is. I've heard nothing. Nothing today, nothing yesterday, and nothing the day before that. And no, I will not go back out there.

Miranda: Ah, Chief?
Richard: Dr. Bailey.
Miranda: How's your mood?
Richard: Meager. Anxious. I'm excited about Sloan's face transplant. I'm a little concerned about Derek Shepherd, but all in all...
Miranda: Do I look like therapist?
Richard: You asked.
Miranda: I've lost Hunt and Torres. See, I sent them to get Shepherd and I never heard from them again. See, I was trying to solve the Shepherd situation for you, Sir, but, It appears I've somehow made it 3 times worse. So, I'm telling you and my next move I believe is that I'm gonna call the police. Because, I'm half convinced they're all dead, on a spit, with a one armed man turning them into shish kebabs. Sir. It's my mind. It just goes there.

Richard: What the hell is this? Oh this is not ok, I have a hospital to run. And Derek, what the hells the matter with you man? We've all been there.
Callie: We said that.
Richard: We've all had tough losses.
Owen: He knows that.
Richard: We show up the next day, and we try and save the next life.
Callie: Yeah we covered that too.
Richard: Ok, what about this? Nothing we do can stop death. We can hold it at bay every now and then, but everyone dies. And that's not on us.
Derek: I took a pregnant woman in for a simple surgery, and I botched it. That is on me. I should feel badly about that. And you, you should feel badly that while I was out here, you sent Meredith out here expecting a ring. Why would you do that? Why in gods name, would you do that?
Richard: I was trying to help. She didn't wanna come. She wanted to leave you out here alone, I was trying to help Derek.
Derek: You were trying to help yourself. Not me. Yourself! I hit the ring in the woods. In the woods. You destroyed me.

Derek: Get out.
Richard: No.
Richard: Look, I've destroyed lives before. Several in fact, and yours is not one of them. Now, I sent the woman you love out here to help you. I sent the woman who loves you, out here, to bring you back to your life. If you ruin it with her, that's on you. I don't accept it. You're scared, you're drunk. You don't know which way is up. You threw a punch at your best friend, and you threw a ring at Meredith, and now you wanna throw me out. I'm not accepting it. Because, I'm older than you, and I've been where you are. You've been drunk for a few day, I was drunk for years. And I know you're gonna need at least one friend when you decide to come out of that hole you're digging. I hope you come out of it soon, and I'll be here when you do.
Derek: I don't think I can get her back.
Richard: Did you call her?
Derek: What am I gonna say?
Richard: I had an affair for years. When Adele found out, somehow she took me back. You can make your way back from anything.

Richard: Wait. Um. Wait. No. You can't take that one.
Meredith: Why not?
Richard: I said don't take it.
Meredith: I will take the elevator I want to take.

Bailey: Ok, as you know you have stage 4 metastatic melanoma. You have a lot of surgeries, and a lot of procedures lined up for you over the next few weeks.
Richard: We've seen evidence of METS on your liver, so one of those surgeries Dr. Bailey and I will resect them. We also lined up Dr. Parker from OB to harvest as many healthy eggs as she can before you undergo any radiation.
Izzie: Right. Babies.
Bailey: Just leaving the option open for you if you want it.
Derek: But our priority today is to address the temporal lobe METS on your brain. I'm surprised we didn't catch it sooner. This kind of thing can cause headaches, seizures and intense hallucinations. But, hopefully the legion has a clear margin so I can remove it all.

Alex: Chief, you paged me?
Richard: Oh, Karev. Yeah, yes I did. Um, as you know we're gonna be harvesting eggs, from Stevens. Who I believe is someone you're having relations with.
Alex: Chief...
Richard: Frozen eggs have a better survival rate when they're fertilized.
Alex: Fertilized.
Richard: I know this is a lot to digest, so um take some time. Think about it. If you decide this is something you might wanna consider...
Alex: Give me the cup.
Richard: Karev, you need to speak to Stevens before...
Alex: Just give me the cup.

Alex: Here's your cup. All filled up.
Richard: I'm eating here Karev.
Alex: It's fine, I washed my hands.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
