Richard: Ahem.
Meredith: Oh great! Is this another heart to heart?
Richard: I know you don't like me, and you have every right not to like me. I have abused my power, but now I'm here on your turf. What I need to say... What I need to say is I saw what your mother was doing. I saw how neglected you were, I saw her drive your father off. And, I spent a lot of time beating myself up about that. But, what does that do for you? Nothing. Nothing! I wasn't your advocate. I didn't fight for you. I never stood up for you. I left myself off the hook. I told myself I was young, and didn't know any better. But, I did know better. I wasn't much younger than you are now. I should have fought for you Meredith. Like you fought for that child today. I told myself that I wasn't your father, that it wasn't my responsibility, that I was right not to butt in. I let myself off the hook. You were helpless. You were a baby. A beautiful, smart, funny little girl, and no one stood up for you. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. (Mer leans on Richard's shoulder.) I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.

Meredith: You wanted to see me Chief?
Richard: Derek was supposed to do this but he got pulled into something so, I said I'd give it to you.
Meredith: What?
Richard: Your wedding present. Not from me, it's from Derek. But, I have to over see it.
Meredith: I was supposed to get him a present?
Richard: Meredith...
Meredith: This is why weddings are so stupid. I mean, our life together should be the present. Not some stupid... Anyway, whatever it is Chief, I don't want it. So, tell Derek to take it back. Well, I'll tell him. I'll tell him to take it back.
Richard: He got you a colon.
Meredith: What?
Richard: A colon. It's nonrefundable, inflamed, it's about to go under anesthesia in OR 2. You really wanna say you don't want it?
Meredith: A solo surgery (smiling)
Richard: Happy wedding day Meredith.

Richard: Thank you.
Meredith: You're scrubbing in? I thought I was doing this solo.
Richard: No, you are.
Meredith: Then why aren't you sitting in a corner reading a magazine?
Richard: It's a big day Meredith. Just taking precautions, that's all.
Meredith: Afraid I'm gonna kill afraid I'm gonna kill the patient on my wedding day? It's a routine colectomy. I'm not gonna kill him.
Richard: I... I know. You're gonna do great. Pretend I'm not even here.

Meredith: Ok. Ok, boquey, scalpel.
Richard: Oh, great. Very nice!
Meredith: What?
Richard: The way you asked for the scalpel. You didn't mumble, you took charge right off the bat. Loud and clear, scalpel! It was good. Very impressive.
Meredith: Great. I'm gonna get started now.
Richard: Oh, of course. You won't even know I'm here.

Meredith: I've got some adhesions. I need to dissect down to mobilize the sigmoid.
Richard: Oh...
Meredith: Bovey please.
Richard: Mmmm.... Mmm mmm. MMM MMMM... MMM MMM!
Meredith: Do you have something you'd like to say?
Richard: No, no no. You're doing fine.
Mark: How's the solo surgery coming along Grey?
Meredith: Well, I think it's going ok. But, you should probably ask the Chief here.
Richard: She's doing great. You chose a quatery when I probably would have gone with scissors. But, she made it work. We'll be out of here in plenty of time for the wedding.
Mark: Good. At least you won't have any excuses.
Meredith: Excuse me?
Mark: This is the second time I've been Derek's best man. I have to come up with a toast, offer some words of wisdom. It's a lot of work. I don't wanna have to be his best man a 3rd time, if you know what I mean.
Meredith: So, you came in here to threaten me?
Mark: I'm his best man. That's my job.
Richard: Hmmm...
Meredith: What now?
Richard: Oh, no, it's ok. It's fine. Everything's fine, right? I don't need to say anything.
Mark: Hmmm...

Richard: Meredith.
Meredith: Yes Sir?
Richard: I've been reading your mother's journals. I wish she was here today.
Meredith: Well, I don't know how she would have felt about me getting married.
Richard: No, not for that. For this. Your first solo surgery.
Meredith: Oh, well she probably would have said with all the mistakes I've made I'm lucky the patients alive.
Richard: That's right, but, I also know she would have been thrilled. She wouldn't have been able to tell you, but, she would have been.
Meredith: Thank you Sir.

Richard: Who is Santa Claus?
Bailey: An old white man, who lives at the north pole, and enters peoples homes inappropriately.
Richard: No. I'm Santa Claus.
Richard: Oh yes I did. The Da Vinncci SIHD surgical assistant.
Bailey: Tell me you didn't wait till I'd all but left the general surgery program to buy us a Da Vinncci!
Richard: Care to take it out for a spin?
Bailey: Santa!

Richard: Dr. Robbins. Dr. Bailey performed Seattle Grace's first single incision gall bladder removal.
Arizona: Oh wow! Cool.
Richard: Through the patient's belly button.
Arizona: And now it's kind of creepy.
Bailey: No no, you should have seen it. No scars, no bleeding, in about half the time it would have taken laparoscopically.
Richard: You wanna do one after lunch? I've got another colie.
Bailey: You don't mind?
Arizona: Oh so, I guess I'm on my own for this afternoon. My neuroblastoma. No no no no, don't worry. You don't have to. You'll have the rest of your life to do neuroblastoma's.
Bailey: Well then I'll see you after lunch Sir.
Richard: Ok.

Arizona: (With a stern face, eyes Richard off) Chief.
Richard: Yes Dr. Robbins?
Arizona: Chief.
Richard: Did you wanna tell me something?
Arizona: I am going to cry, and I just want you to know that I know it's going to happen. And, I just want you to ignore it. And, I'm not crying because I'm upset. It's just what happens when I get mad at people of authority.
Richard: You're mad at me?

Arizona: (starts crying) I am mad at you. And, I'm crying because you're the boss. My boss. Which brings up issues of authority and my dad, who you kind of remind me of. Not that you're old, but you command respect. People respect you. I mean, I now I do and I know Bailey does. Which is why I'm mad. Because, it's wrong Sir. It's wrong and mean to use a robot to lure Dr. Bailey back into general surgery, because I don't have a robot. All I have are little kids, and they're not as fun as a robot. And they're not shiny, and new, and silver, and they don't have things coming out of their belly buttons. But, I will fight you, and I will win. Sir.
Richard: You think you can fight me, and win?
Arizona: Yes!
Richard: Good luck.
Arizona: Because I have something that you don't have! I have joy! Sir!

Bailey: If there's still a spot open for me on general surgery, I'd like to take you up on that.
Richard: I spent months trying to talk you off peade's. I finally get on board and you change your mind?
Bailey: Tucker gave me an ultimatum. The fellowship, or our marriage.
Richard: You chose your marriage.
Bailey: No, I'm leaving him. 'Cause a marriage that results to ultimatums, it's not a marriage. I mean, what kind of husband does that? So, I'm going to be a single mom. It's not the time for new specialties. (starts to cry) Damn. I'm sorry. I don't know, it's just the first time I've said it out loud. So it kind of just took the wind out of me.
Richard: Miranda, are you sure about this? I mean, he might come around. He's just scared.
Bailey: Well, we're all scared! I mean, if you're not scared you're not paying attention! One of my residents just signed up to go to war. That's scary. Another one just almost lost her life to melanoma, now she doesn't know what day it is. That's scary! What Tucker's facing isn't scary! He's just weak! A pat on the back isn't gonna help Sir.
Richard: Ok. Should I go?
Bailey: No.
Richard: Ok. Ok. Ok. I'l just stand here with you, if that's alright.
Bailey: Yes Sir. That would be fine.

Callie: Oh, I'm sorry. I was just looking for Bailey. It's after 6.
Bailey: Yes, she scheduled an intervention so that we could give O'Malley a piece of our minds about this idiotic army business. Did he leave already?
Richard: He never scrubbed in. He told me he was enlisting. I sent him home, and told him to spend the day with his Mom since he was leaving so soon. He took off this morning.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
