Charlie: I'm Charlie Lukaitis.
Claire: Shaun speaks very highly of you.
Charlie: He does?
Shaun: I was not complementary.
Claire: Shaun! I was trying to be nice, something which you could try harder to do too.

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Charlie Lukaitis, Shaun Murphy
The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 9: "Unconditional"
The Good Doctor
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Charlie Lukaitis Quotes, Shaun Murphy Quotes, The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes, The Good Doctor Quotes
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The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Charlie: I'm Charlie Lukaitis.
Claire: Shaun speaks very highly of you.
Charlie: He does?
Shaun: I was not complementary.
Claire: Shaun! I was trying to be nice, something which you could try harder to do too.

Shaun: I told her about the lump in your breast. It was before I convinced you to have your surgery here, so not a HIPAA violation.
Claire: I hope you also told her the biopsy was negative. It's not cancer, so there's nothing to worry about.
Lea: I reserve the right to worry anyway.