Bud: You're under arrest.
David: What for?
Bud: If it were up to me? Being a horrible person.

Now we know where all of her blood went.


Bud: What would have happened if she was crabby and whiny?
Megan: I would have called her Bud.

Megan: Mom, you're here to help me pick out a color.
Joan: I think I should introduce you to my interior designer.

Planning on studying at the rave, huh?


Look here DJ doofus, I partied. What did you do, play charades?


What's Latin for why are you here?


Todd: I will leave you two to compare notes.
Megan: Eww.

Whatever happened to hanging out in the basement with a six pack of your Dad's beer?


Megan: The party didn't stop just cause you got old, Bud.
Bud: Don't you mean we.

Megan: We met on a case.
Lacey: Like how Dad and Kate met on a case.

She seems like she wants to spend more time with you. I told her she was nuts.


Body of Proof Quotes

The body is the proof. It will tell you everything you need to know if you just have the patience to look.


Don't believe everything you've heard about me. The truth is much worse.
