See, I didn't know that horseback riding was the only Olympic sport where men and women competed equally and she has been kicking your ass.


Bud: Didn't she tell you to wait in the car?
Lacey: Didn't she tell you to watch your language?

Don't sneak up on people with guns, kid.


If you can't save the one you love, save everyone else.


Curtis: Those don't look like badass scary horses to me.
Ethan: Horses are never nice.

Never underestimate the power of meth.


The sooner you get out of my way, the sooner you can fire your little cannon off.


Well, some people think size doesn't matter.


On her decision to date your ex, I think she's wrong. Like Michael Jordan playing baseball wrong.


Megan: Kate has a new boyfriend. My ex-husband.
Bud: Oh.

Megan: I hope you're funnier than he is?
Skip: I know I am.

Peter: Now you're admitting we have a thing?
Megan: We've always had a thing.

Body of Proof Quotes

The body is the proof. It will tell you everything you need to know if you just have the patience to look.


Don't believe everything you've heard about me. The truth is much worse.
