Jules if we had to elect a group leader it would be you. You bring us all together.


Trav: This sucks.
Tom: Why aren't you at college?
Trav: You know Tom, I don't know.

Bobby: Steak and champagne.
Laurie: I love me some beef and bubbles. Oh! That should be our secret detective names.

Jules: The more the merrier. So we'll ask Tom to play.
Tom: Oh I'd love to!
Jules: Way to keep it weird, Tom.

Jules: Why me? Why do you want to torture me with your filthy stories?
Barb: You used to be one of us. Stalking young prey without mercy or shame.
Jules: When are people going to understand that's not me anymore. What do I have to do? Change my name.
Barb: You'll be back. The filth is strong in you.

Jules: Ellie, friend test.
Ellie: Fine, I'll come.
Bobby: Friend test?
Jules: Yeah. It's when you call your entire friendship into question and force them into doing something. I came up with it.
Trav: Sounds like you.

(to Ellie) It's daylight. Why aren't you over at my house yet.


Cougar Town Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

Jules: Ellie, friend test.
Ellie: Fine, I'll come.
Bobby: Friend test?
Jules: Yeah. It's when you call your entire friendship into question and force them into doing something. I came up with it.
Trav: Sounds like you.

(to Ellie) It's daylight. Why aren't you over at my house yet.
