After today, I don’t want to hear any complaining about the arsenal I have in my quarters…


Hacked Android: You’re a troublesome girl, aren’t you?
Five: I want my friend back.
Hacked Android: Your friend? You’re referring to this android?
Five: I’m taking her back.
Hacked Android: And how are you going to do that, little one?
Five: ‘Hot chocolate.’ [The Android shuts down and reboots.]

Sarah: What do you think?
Five: I think he’s full of sh--
Hacked Android [on the bridge]: --ship is registering strange power fluctuations.

Three: One of your buddies just got killed. Any one of you could be next.
Quill: ...And having a known murderer hold us at gunpoint is supposed to make us feel better?

Three: If you’re headed to the mess hall, I’d reconsider. Debate club’s in session.
Five: How’s it going in there?
Three: Oh, about as well as you’d expect, which is somewhere between hopeless and terrible.

The best alliances are formed from necessity, not convenience.


Dark Matter Season 3 Episode 8 Quotes

Three: If you’re headed to the mess hall, I’d reconsider. Debate club’s in session.
Five: How’s it going in there?
Three: Oh, about as well as you’d expect, which is somewhere between hopeless and terrible.

The best alliances are formed from necessity, not convenience.
