She was important because we thought she was important. That's how everything happens. Every war, every religion, every love story. We invest things with significance. So while the whole of creation was turning around her, it made her sheer existence more powerful than Time Lords and gods. In the end, the most important person was the most ordinary. A scared little girl making her baby safe.

The Doctor

Sutekh, god of death... you win. This is how you win. Because I pride myself on being better than you. Because if you are death, I must be life. I am life! And yet because of you, I must bring death.


We fought a monster. And now, I must become a monster.


Every living thing contains dead cells. Enamel, skin... bring them to me, Melanie. Find the mother's name.


Nothing I can do. The Earth is slowly dying. The dust of death. Every time I landed. 1999. 1066. 2005.


Doctor: Why am I still alive? You are the god of death and I am an extinction event. So what's stopping you?
[Sutekh growls]
Doctor: I'll tell you a secret, Sute. This doubt you're feeling now, have you ever felt more alive?

There is nothing left to do but fight.


Doctor, it's Kate signing off with thanks and love. Send this monster back to hell. Because one day there will be birds. I must believe there will be birds again.


Doctor Who Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

There is nothing left to do but fight.


Doctor, it's Kate signing off with thanks and love. Send this monster back to hell. Because one day there will be birds. I must believe there will be birds again.
