Stabler: Joey. Don't run away.
Joey: That's the Stabler family MO, isn't it?

Bell: I'm gonna need you to tell me where those drugs really came from.
Stabler: My brother. He may have a problem.
Bell: I'm sorry to hear that. You want to know if he's using or dealing before you confront him?
Stabler: No. I wanna take care of business first and then confront my brother in my own time and my own way.
Bell: No judgment here, but one thing I learned from my time in Narcotics is that an addict doesn't need an excuse to use but that doesn't mean they won't take one.

Elliot: I'm all for this boys' night out, but you really think he's gonna admit to it?
Randall: Being a druggie? No, he's too much like the old man.

Sir, I served my country proudly but the man who came back isn't the same man who left.


Darrien: I'm not the one selling. I'm the one looking the other way. There's a small group of us and an even smaller group trying to help.
Stabler: Help? With Black Tar Heroin?
Darrien: There's so much pain. And I want to help. I have to help somehow.
Stabler: Now you're talking like your father's son.

Stabler: You missed.
Bonner: You think I did this?
Stabler: It doesn't matter what I think. But here's what I know. You've lost your daughter, you've lost your son, and now you're losing control. And something tells me that it's that last one that hurts the most.

You know as well as I do that these things happen. The worst thing IAB can do right now is mistake unfortunate for unjust.


Stabler: I know Hanson is no fan of mine.
Cragen: Was. He died about six weeks ago.
Stabler: I hadn't heard. So Warren's after me because he bequeathed his grudge?

Roy Clark: Who the hell are you?
Stabler: Someone who believes you and is gonna try to get you out of here.

Judge Bonner: I will assist however I can, but right now I'm in shock.
Reporter: Judge! Judge! You claim you knew nothing and you expect us to believe that?

Chief Bonner: I wasn't innocent. I was blind. I looked the other way my whole life to protect him.
Stabler: While your father was protecting Eric.
Chief Bonner: Eric. He was still there, at the house.
Stabler: Do you think he saw your father kill your mother?
Chief Bonner: Monsters make monsters.

Eric wasn't the smartest kid, but he was the sweetest. There were no signs then of what he would become. Or maybe I didn't look hard enough.

Chief Bonner