Stabler: Maybe if I can get him talking, I can reason with him or stall him or something.
Bonner: You're gonna call a serial killer?

Shah: Where's Stabler?
Jet: I don't know. I'm not his mother, thank God.

Bonner: I have history with these people, this town. Five generations of Bonners have lived and died in this town and I'll be damned if I let your investigation --
Stabler: My investigation? This is your investigation, our investigation.
Bonner: Fine. Our investigation. I will be damned if I let it ruin the reputation of people in this town.

Bonner: What can you tell me about this guy?
Stabler: I'm not a profiler. I'm not an expert.
Bonner: I don't need your expertise. I need your gut.

I used to be able to put this kind of thing in a box and not let it throw me.


We have dead bodies in cold st orage and you're telling me my job is to protect the reputation of this town?


Stabler: They're trying to spin this whole thing, saying there's no way there's a local.
Reyes: Maybe it's bad for business.

Stabler: You can't come with me. You're not supposed to be here.
Jet: We're all out of our jurisdiction, especially you.
Stabler: I'm already in hot water. If this goes sideways, Sarge isn't gonna have a team to come back to.

We should be able to render faster now that Reyes isn't driving at 95 miles per hour.


I'm gonna find her. Maybe you think you've gone too far, but you haven't. You can stop this.


Jet: You heard from Stabler?
Reyes: I went by his house but he wasn't there or he wasn't answering.
Jet: Yeah, he isn't answering my texts either. Technically, it's crossing T's to check on him, right?

Didn't stop you from getting out of Hate Crimes the first chance you got.

Bashir; I worked with Shah over a year. She's not the bad guy. Reyes