I think you're wasting our time. Your inside man's out of pocket, you don't know where Wheatley is. Would you have our backs if the situation was reversed?


Lawyer: Did you sleep with this detective?
Angela: Does it matter?
Lawyer: It doesn't matter to me, but it does matter.
Angela: I'm sorry. I didn't sleep with him.
Lawyer: Are you in love with him?

Bell: Well, you're going to be the finest 7-months-pregnant lawyer to ever sue the NYPD.
Denise: I was worried about today.
Bell: Don't worry. We're ready for today. We've been ready.

Stabler: I had coffee with your ex-husband.
Angela: That's strange. What'd he want?
Stabler: I'm not sure.
Angela: Did he know I was here?
Stabler: No. But he did tell me not to trust you because you're still in love with him.
Angela: You know he's lying.
Stabler: Yeah, I do. But I don't know whether you are.

Wheatley: We both know what's going on here. You're using Angie to get to me. I don't want her to become a casualty of a dispute between two men.
Stabler: You don't want any casualties? Like my wife?
Wheatley: That was insensitive. I'm just saying, stay away from my wife.
Stabler: Why didn't you kill me?
Wheatley: Why would I do that? Then we wouldn't be enjoying this delicious coffee together.
Stabler: I'm a nuisance. Got in your way. You don't like people who get in your business. You get revenge, get rid of them.
Wheatley: Not in the way you think.
Stabler [takes out a photo of Kathy]: She wasn't a vengeful person. But she will be the end of you.

Angela: Do you have children, Sergeant?
Bell: Not yet.
Angela: If you ever have a son, you'll learn that you will do whatever you have to to keep him safe, especially from the police.

Stabler: She asked for a lawyer?
Bell: Actually, she asked to talk to you.
Stabler: She ordered the murder of my wife. I have nothing to say to her.

No more duffel bags full of cash for these goombas, excuse me, gazones. It's all online, encrypted, and untraceable.


Stabler: Okay, we're here. Now what?
Izak: You're gonna thank me.

You called me detective back there, because that's what I am. I didn't just fall into your life. I was driven into it because I'm investigating the person who killed my wife and took your son away from me. That is my duty and I will not allow anything to derail me from my mission, especially these emotions that I don't even understand.


Benson:His name was Simon.
Quan: I don't know him.
Benson: I did. He was my brother. He's dead. He overdosed on heroin and fentanyl that your sister gave him. Don't look away. That's right. You know what I hope? I pray that the the thought of him haunts you for the rest of your pathetic life.

Stabler: I've never heard of fast food saving someone's life.
Quan: Is Giana okay?
Bell: How do you take your six-year-old to an apartment full of drugs and guns and tell her to wait in the bathroom?

Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 1 Quotes

Mob Boss: Why am I here?
Stabler: You know why I'm dressed like this? I just buried my wife.

Criminal: Say I was able to get a message to Mrs. Sinatra. What would I tell her?
Stabler: What happened in Puglisia didn't stay in Puglisia