Bernie: They never told me anything. Don't tell Bernie that he's cheating. Don't tell her that he got suspended.
Stabler: Mom? Pops got suspended?
Bernie: What? No. Your father never got suspended.
Stabler: Are you sure?
Bernie: Don't question your father or he'll do worse than box your ears. He'll do what he did to that perp.

I did what I had to do for my family. And if I had to, I'd do it all again. And when my body is gone, my legacy will remain.


Stabler: So are we gonna bust this guy or rob him?
Donnelly: We're gonna bust him and then rob him.

Stabler: I owe you.
Jet: Yeah Hey, we should ride sometime.
Stabler: It's on my bucket list.

Stabler: New ADA?
Bell: Kelly Shapiro, the department's new hand-picked anklebiter.

Must be your lucky day. Not only can I not get rid of you, but the powers that be saw fit to give you this back. [Puts a gun on the desk.] It's obvious you have friends in high places, but they're the wrong kind of friends and they won't hesitate to stab you in the back.


One of the reasons we go undercover is to understand the psyche of the criminals we're investigating. And sometimes, without even realizing it, the worlds begin to blur.


I'm gonna tell you where Hugo is cause it's my job, but I think you're wrong about him.


Nova: Mr. Webb doesn't allow sex trafficking. It goes against everything he stands for.
Bell: Oh, so Preston Webb is a man of principle now?

Woman: Aren't the Marcy Killers a drug gang?
Bell: So you're saying you haven't come across them in connection with sex trafficking?
Woman: No, but I don't know every gang in New York that trafficks women.

Angelica: If he knew I was talking to you...
Beth: Everything between us is entirely confidential.

Stabler: It just feels like betrayal. I know what I'm doing is right but I can't shake the feeling that I'm betraying these people even though they're the ones who are betraying their oath.
Therapist: Tell me more about what's behind this feeling.
Stabler: My father.
Therapist: What does he have to say?
Stabler: Nothing. He's been dead about 30 years.

Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 2 Quotes

Stabler: I'll tell you, we're not dealing with just four yahoos. This was well organized.
Bell: So what does this mean for you?
Stabler: The Albanians are paranoid.
Bell: Which makes it more dangerous for you.

Tell Vince I'm making plans. Tell him I plan to do more good than anyone ever thought possible. Tell him I'll be the enemy of every organized criminal out there.
