Turk: I want to remove [Nasar] from this earth.
Deeks: I can see that.

Turk: That's not how this goes.
Nasar: How does it go?

Callen: What happened?
Sam: He took a bad fall.

Sarraf: What more can I ask from life?
Kensi: Not much more than that.

Sarraf: Kensi?
Kensi: Yeah?
Sarraf: You're my angel.

Deeks: Callen, what's your ideal vacation?
Hanna: You're asking the wrong guy. He's got 44 days of unused vacation time.

Nell: He's a professor of astrophysics at Caltech.
Deeks: Well, he fancy.

Deeks: That's bullying.
Eric: That's not bullying.
Deeks: It's bullying adjacent.
Eric: It's not bullying adjacent.

Kensi: You've been watching too many telenovelas.
Deeks: It helps me keep my Spanish.

Meerkats, lock it down!


Kensi: You hearing that?
Deeks: Yeah, it's like the morning after an Iron Maiden concert.

Roberta: Like my microwave oven? Would that fry my brain?
Sam: Only if you crawl inside.

NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Quotes

I don't care how you do it but get it done, or you're going to wish you were in that jeep with the rest of your team.

Kilbride [to Mosley]

I'm here because you're up to your ass in alligators.

Admiral Kilbride