All you need is 'Deeks the Halls.'

to Deeks}

Nurse [to Callen]: Are you immediate family?
Anatoly: He isn't, but I'm Anna's father.

Nell: [Rogers] said nothing about pinging Garza's phone.
Eric: Hurry, before the Grinch returns.

Callen: You've never heard of the Hippocratic Oath?
Anatoly: I took an oath to serve Mother Russia. Yet here we are.

Most people aren't that interested in waste management.


Callen: I won't make any Bionic Woman jokes about your arm, considering two of the nurses already did.
Anna: Appreciate that.

There's another visual example of why you shouldn't do drugs.


Deeks: Think I should bring some brownies and candy from here to the party?
Kensi: No.

Hopefully Hetty comes home soon, with great stories and some great Scotch.


Kensi: You have a vagabond living upstairs.
Deeks: You mean Callen. He's offered to bounce on the weekend.

Callen: You trying to show me up or something?
Sam: Sometimes it's not about you, G.

Well, this officially sucks.


NCIS: Los Angeles Season 10 Quotes

I don't care how you do it but get it done, or you're going to wish you were in that jeep with the rest of your team.

Kilbride [to Mosley]

I'm here because you're up to your ass in alligators.

Admiral Kilbride