Only in France does the King need an audience to shite.


Jamie, this is why I admire the French. They're so wonderfully vulgar. They never allow their exquisite manners to interfere with their basic instincts.

Prince Charles

Told you that dress would bring us grief.


You're a daring woman, sassenach. I guess that makes me a very lucky man.


Jamie: Scotland doesn't exactly smell like a lady's boudoir.
Murtagh: Aye. But it's an animal smell. This city reeks of the chamber pot.

I see your nose is not purely decorative, Madonna.

Mr. Raymond

Claire: He's gone, Jamie.
Jamie: He's alive in my head. I've got to get him out.

Outlander Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

I see your nose is not purely decorative, Madonna.

Mr. Raymond

Claire: He's gone, Jamie.
Jamie: He's alive in my head. I've got to get him out.