Ruby: Don’t hurt him.
Miller: What if he runs?
Ruby: TRY not to hurt him.

Why is Miller doing this? Something must have happened. Something must have changed.

Sugar [internal]

It’s a secret I’ve kept for a while now. We all have. I’ve never wanted to tell anyone as much as I’ve wanted to tell you, but I can’t.


Sugar: I gotta tell you something that’s gonna make you angry, but just know that I’m angry, too.
Melanie: What?
Sugar: My people, Miller, some others, they’re trying to stop me from finding Olivia.

I meant what I said to her. This isn’t who we are. Kidnapping. Murder. It doesn’t matter that Moss was a lowlife. We’re not supposed to hurt people. Our sole reason for being here? To preserve our peaceful life. But this place is changing us. It’s changing us all.

Sugar [internal]

Henry: I think that the longer we stay here, the more human we become.
Sugar: I gotta go.
Henry: Your work. Your time here. You found, what, dozens of people, maybe more. You’re always searching for men or women or children. Perhaps this Olivia today. I hope you find her. But without your sister, I’m afraid you’re always going to be lost.

Sugar Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

Why is Miller doing this? Something must have happened. Something must have changed.

Sugar [internal]

Ruby: Don’t hurt him.
Miller: What if he runs?
Ruby: TRY not to hurt him.