Getting this house is about me moving on and standing on my own two feet. That means not depending on my Dad for a place to live, and then if I let you cosign, I’m just depending on you for a place to live. I don’t even know what happened to me. I was always such an independent person, and I guess I kind of lost my way. But I want to walk through every room of a house and know that I got there on my own.


Darlene: The realtor says that I have to be part of a couple to have a real shot with the seller. Apparently, any big, dumb sack of male DNA will make me more attractive as a buyer.
Ben: If you’re asking me to pretend that we’re a couple, then I need to be wooed. Tell me I’m pretty.
Darlene: Okay, you’re a big, dumb sack of pretty. Now, will you go?
Ben: Now that I feel good about myself, yes.

Darlene [to Ben]: You’re saying I don’t know what I’m doing. You’re saying you think I need a man.
Dan: [to Ben]: Don’t. Don’t say it. Put the pin back in that grenade, soldier. No one needs to die today needlessly here.

Darlene: That’s from the trash. You’re eating trash candy.
Dan: Waste not, want not. That’s in the Bible. I’m doing God’s work.

Darlene: There is a really good house here. It’s right at the top of my price range, but it’s the only one that hasn’t said, train lovers look no further.
Dan: I wouldn’t consider the train a deal-breaker. I think it’s nice when your house rocks you to sleep.

The Conners Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

Darlene: That’s from the trash. You’re eating trash candy.
Dan: Waste not, want not. That’s in the Bible. I’m doing God’s work.

Darlene: There is a really good house here. It’s right at the top of my price range, but it’s the only one that hasn’t said, train lovers look no further.
Dan: I wouldn’t consider the train a deal-breaker. I think it’s nice when your house rocks you to sleep.