Mr. Wolke: I am dying. I have accepted that fact.
Mrs. Wolke: Yosel -
Mr. Wolke: I'm sorry, Miriam. All I want is to go to G-d at peace. I want you with me. I want you to come home. Be with your mother and your brothers and sisters.
Asher: It's sad. I want to be your son almost more than I want to be myself. But I can't. [Asher kisses Jerome]. This is who I am. And this is my boyfriend.

Mrs. Wolke: Asher. Say the Mishaberach for Ava. Prayer for the sick.
Asher: You want me to pray to a god I don't believe in?

Mr. Wolke: Will you be joining us for Shabbos, Dr. Allen?
Jordan: I'd love to, but I should be researching how to save your life.
Mr. Wolke: Am I dying tomorrow? Then you should join us. From sundown to sundown we spend a day in joy and rest, with G-d.

Asher: I read your letter.
Mr. Wolke: I sent it six years ago.
Asher: I wasn't sure I wanted to hear what you had to say.
Mr. Wolke: I wanted to give you the news about the family.
Asher: I am not part of the family anymore. You made that very clear when I left.
Mr. Wolke: You chose to leave. We wanted you to stay. We wanted to help you. You are not the only one who has struggled with finding the right path. Everyone has times where they must deny the desires of the flesh.
Asher: You're right. I did make a choice. It was either follow your rules or love and accept who I am. I chose the one that was more important.

Park: I didn't know you were applying to jobs across the country.
Morgan: I'm not. I just want as many offers as possible for more leverage with St. Bonaventures. It helps to show you're in demand.
Park: I'd rather keep the job I have.

Mrs. Wolke: God bless you, Dr. Murphy.
Shaun: Okay. Thank you. [Shaun leaves]
Asher: Can you two cool it with the God bless you stuff? This is a secular hospital.
Mr. Wolke: It is called St. Bonaventure.

Lea: Banana with a hint of cinnamon. I think this is my favorite.
Shaun: I like chocolate chip with syrup.
Lea: I like eating pancakes in bed.
Shaun: Want to have sex?
Lea: Yes.
Shaun: Want to finish the pancakes first?
Lea: Yes.
Shaun: We're getting good at pretending to be a married couple.

The Good Doctor Season 5 Episode 18 Quotes

Mrs. Wolke: God bless you, Dr. Murphy.
Shaun: Okay. Thank you. [Shaun leaves]
Asher: Can you two cool it with the God bless you stuff? This is a secular hospital.
Mr. Wolke: It is called St. Bonaventure.

Lea: Banana with a hint of cinnamon. I think this is my favorite.
Shaun: I like chocolate chip with syrup.
Lea: I like eating pancakes in bed.
Shaun: Want to have sex?
Lea: Yes.
Shaun: Want to finish the pancakes first?
Lea: Yes.
Shaun: We're getting good at pretending to be a married couple.