Shaun: Do you think I should allow Sophie to remove my mistake from the show?
Lea: That's up to you. What do you think?
Shaun: I don't want to be dishonest. But do people need truth or do they need hope?

Filmmaker: Do you consider yourself Shaun's protector?
Glassman: No. Not anymore.
Filmmaker: How does that feel?
Glassman: How does it feel? It feels great. I'm proud of Shaun and relieved he came this far.
Filmmaker: What changed?
Glassman: Shaun changed.

Shaun: This is my test to prove I can be an attending. And I made a mistake.
Glassman: And you caught the mistake.
Shaun: But I should not have made it in the first place.
Glassman: So you made a mistake. Just like I missed a subdermal adema when I was an attending and Park burst a nodule. You can fix it. You can do another surgery. So let's just focus on that.
Shaun: I am different from you and Dr. Park. I do not get to make mistakes.

There is a simpler way, you know. Tell your patient he's being an idiot. His career isn't worth risking his health.


Morgan: Shaun has always been great at medicine, but romance not so much. I took him and Lea through bootcamp and then I got them together. I guess you could call me Cupid.
Park: You don't get to take credit for Shaun and Lea getting together. You barely get credit for you and I getting together.

Park: You'll be up and about after a few days but you won't be able to be a firefighter anymore.
Grant: Then that's not the solution.
Park: This is the safest surgery. With your abdominal injuries -
Grant: We run into burning buildings every day. I'm not afraid of risk. I'm trusting you to get me to back to my team.

Shaun is an asset to any hospital. He does things differently because he sees the world differently.


Jordan: I don't want to be on TV.
Filmmaker: We can always blur you out.
Asher: You don't want be blurred out, trust me. We could be supporting players in the Shaun Show.

Sophie: Have you two decided about my reality show yet?
Lea: Shaun and I haven't had a chance to -
Shaun: When I was younger, it would have helped me to see a show about a man like me with a woman like you.

Sarah: Happy Hour has been going on forever. I know about it, but not about this current iteration. I will look out for Kevin, but with a kid to staff ratio of 10/1 I can't make any promises.
Andrews: You can't just let bullying go on.
Sarah: You know, the other day Kevin got in a fight over the TV remote. He called another kid a baby because he wanted to watch cartoons.
Andrews: That's not -
Sarah: I'm just saying, Kevin is harder to deal with than you think.

Andrews: I know you're dyslexic.
Kevin: I'm not dumb!
Andrews: I didn't say you were. You're not stupid. You're brilliant. Lots of geniuses were dyslexic. Leonardo Da Vinci. Albert Einstein. Marcus Andrews. That last one's me.

Lea: I had fun working with you today. I get why you love being a doctor.
Shaun: Being a doctor doesn't usually involve buying used car parts.

The Good Doctor Season 5 Quotes

No offense, but I notice you two are both residents, yet you [points to Morgan] seem to be more in charge. Is that because you're more experienced or are you just bossy?


[Lim is on the phone with Mateo]
Mateo: So what's on your agenda?
Lim: Budget meeting. We're in the red and I don't see -
Mateo: Perhaps I should let you go.
Lim: Actually, I was hoping for some excitement, but you're out and about, so...
Mateo: That can be arranged. I can make myself available.
[There is a knock on the door]
Lim: Give me two minutes to get rid of whoever that is.
[Lim opens the door and Mateo comes in.]
Mateo: It'll take a lot longer than that to get rid of me.