Joanne's body is rejecting the vent. We may need to chemically paralyze her.


I got into a fight with two kids on the bus. The driver, Ms. Limond, broke it up. She said they used their fists because they were too stupid to use words. From then on, I settled fights with words instead of with my fists. It helped that I had Mrs. Limond in my corner.


Patient: I don't want to take my shirt off. Carlton.
Andrews: Ah yes, Cousin Carleton of Fresh Prince fame. I'll take that as a compliment.

I never would have pegged you for a Spiderman fan. I pictured you watching a 10 part Ken Burns documentary on the history of pencils.


Shaun: I am not included in this spleen surgery, but it is a rare surgery and I should be.
Glassman: I'm sorry if you're disappointed, but I need a team that listens to me and embraces my style.
Shaun: Just because I don't share your interest in talking about irrelevant topics doesn't mean I can't -
Glassman: Shaun. You're not in the surgery.

I'm President. If I want to climb a wall, I'll climb a wall.


Glassman: You didn't have time to get a complete medical history. I warned you about this. You were stressed and it caused stress for the patient.
Shaun: I had to move faster. You were too slow. I know you can't keep up with my pace but this medical strategy is not working.
Glassman: Keep up with your pace? You need to take a walk. Go get something to eat.
Shaun: No thank you. I need -
Glassman: You need to take a break. If you don't want to eat, go for a walk. NOW!

Shaun: The craniotomy took seven minutes longer than it should have.
Glassman: I'm okay with that, as long as we have a smooth surgery.

I know it's a little crazy out there but in here it's just like any day. This poor man fractured his skull falling off the roof so now we have to put him back together.


Lea: You have to eat something. It's kind of rude not to.
Shaun: Wouldn't it be ruder to take food and not eat it?

There aren't enough bays in the ER to babysit sick staff and also take care of patients.


Does it ever seem to you that we go round and round but we always end up back at this sad place.


The Good Doctor Season 5 Quotes

No offense, but I notice you two are both residents, yet you [points to Morgan] seem to be more in charge. Is that because you're more experienced or are you just bossy?


[Lim is on the phone with Mateo]
Mateo: So what's on your agenda?
Lim: Budget meeting. We're in the red and I don't see -
Mateo: Perhaps I should let you go.
Lim: Actually, I was hoping for some excitement, but you're out and about, so...
Mateo: That can be arranged. I can make myself available.
[There is a knock on the door]
Lim: Give me two minutes to get rid of whoever that is.
[Lim opens the door and Mateo comes in.]
Mateo: It'll take a lot longer than that to get rid of me.