Shaun: What are Lea and I doing? Are we moving backward?
Park: A wedding is just a symbol. It's the commitment day in and day out that counts.
Shaun: What should I do?
Park: I can't tell you that. That's for you and Lea to work out.
Shaun: The older I get, the less everyone else knows.

Lim: You want a medal for finding your conscience at the very last minute?
Andrews: I was there when it counted.
Lim: You took her side even after the baby died and then you leveraged the situation so that you ended up in charge.

Morgan: You are practicing mindfulness right now by calling off your wedding and living in the moment.
Shaun: We are only doing that for the moment. We will have the wedding eventually.
Morgan: Good for you. I suck at the moment. I like to plan.

Shaun: My bowel obstruction patient, did he pass gas?
Jordan: Why do you think the nurses are so eager to discharge him?

Social Worker: Dr. Murphy, maybe I should talk to Isla alone.
Isla: No, he can stay. You can go.
Social Worker: Okay. If you need me, you can always have the nurses page me.
[Social worker leaves]
Isla: Are my parents going to die?
Shaun: It is too soon to tell whether either of them can survive their injuries.

Contact social work, make sure the girl isn't alone. She might lose both her parents today.


Shaun: Your un-save the date card.
Jordan: You're uninviting us to the wedding?
Lea: There isn't going to be a wedding for the foreseeable future so we're canceling everything.
Jordan: The way you're smiling, I feel like we should be congratulating you.

I'm so sorry, Ry. You stood up for me when I was being bullied. You took me in when my marriage failed. I tried to save your life and I killed you.


Andrews: You think I control Salen just because we're dating? That's ridiculous, and a little sexist.
Lim: I'm asking you to take a stand.
Andrews: That's what I've been doing. I'm working on her from the inside. You could have joined me, but instead you burned down the entire building.
Lim: She lit the match.

Shaun: I should join you.
Lea: Shaun, you're so close to the end of your residency. Another year and you can go wherever you want.
Shaun: Dr. Park, Lim, and Glassman have all stood up for me so many times. You have stood up for me so many times. Now I want to stand up for all of you.

You should trust me. I told you yesterday not to do that surgery. I was right then and I am right now.


Lim: That's your plan? To make us look like disgruntled former employees? You really think that's going to work?
Salen: That's not the play. I have research. [To Glassman] You were a no-show for months, making wine in your garage and vacationing in Montana, after years of bending over backwards to cover Dr. Murphy's erratic behavior. [To Lim] You hired your boyfriend, then fired him when he broke up with you.
Lim: He quit.
Salen: Classic sexual harassment suit. [To Lea] And you changed metrics to help your fiancee. Right now, you've all just lost your jobs. But if you don't drop this investigation, I'll go public with this information.

The Good Doctor Season 5 Quotes

No offense, but I notice you two are both residents, yet you [points to Morgan] seem to be more in charge. Is that because you're more experienced or are you just bossy?


[Lim is on the phone with Mateo]
Mateo: So what's on your agenda?
Lim: Budget meeting. We're in the red and I don't see -
Mateo: Perhaps I should let you go.
Lim: Actually, I was hoping for some excitement, but you're out and about, so...
Mateo: That can be arranged. I can make myself available.
[There is a knock on the door]
Lim: Give me two minutes to get rid of whoever that is.
[Lim opens the door and Mateo comes in.]
Mateo: It'll take a lot longer than that to get rid of me.