As they say, you can take the girl out of Chicago but you can't take the Chicago out of the girl.


Lisbon: This ice cream is only just okay.
Jane: Don't take it out on the ice cream.

I can't work with someone I can't trust.


I love Lisbon and I'm taking you to the real police and they're going to lock you up for the rest of your life.


You're the smartest man I've ever met.


Jane: You always have every angle covered.
Erick: Don't you?

Erika: I always think of you as having a plan but never admitting it.
Jane: Funny, that's how I think of you.

Jane: Just a trick.
Yon: I've tested others. You're the only one getting everything correct.
Jane: I didn't say it was an easy trick.

I arrested her, I don't know how I feel about helping her avoid prison.


The Mentalist Season 7 Episode 3 Quotes

Jane: Just a trick.
Yon: I've tested others. You're the only one getting everything correct.
Jane: I didn't say it was an easy trick.

I arrested her, I don't know how I feel about helping her avoid prison.
