Noah: Noah Foster.
Tim: Tim Bradford.
Noah: I'm impressed you were able to scrounge up backup this fast.
Lucy: Well it helps that he was sleeping in my bed.
Noah: Oh, so he's that Bradford.
Tim: I'm curious as to what that means.

Bailey: Can you believe this?
Nolan: Customer Service is an oxymoron.

Harper: Are you taking his side?
Aaron: Since when is a pro-Grandma stance controversial?

Celina: Wow.
Aaron: Damn. I'm sure she was the most qualified candidate.
Celilna: This woman is with your husband right now?
Angela: Yes.
Celina: I would shut that down so fast.

Nolan: Cases like this a murdered kid, cops tend to pull out all the stops.
Celina: For white kids, maybe.
Nolan: The file will tell us a lot about the quality of the investigation and if the investigators had any bias.

This is about you going behind my back to get me in Metro.


Lucy: Do you want to skip dinner?
Tim: No, I'm hungry, and you're going to need that fuel for later.

Celina: Are we really about to play chicken with saran gas after we played chicken with Ebola?
Nolan: That's the job.

The Rookie Season 5 Episode 16 Quotes

Bailey: Can you believe this?
Nolan: Customer Service is an oxymoron.

Noah: Noah Foster.
Tim: Tim Bradford.
Noah: I'm impressed you were able to scrounge up backup this fast.
Lucy: Well it helps that he was sleeping in my bed.
Noah: Oh, so he's that Bradford.
Tim: I'm curious as to what that means.