Dr. K: So, you're having some trouble thinking about the child that you've lost, and you thought the old man might have some words of wisdom.
Jack: That's about it.
Dr. K: I did the one about the lemons already, right?
Rebecca: You did. A year ago.
Dr. K: Too bad. It was a good one.

Kevin: I wonder what changed Mom's mind. Did she say anything to you, Randall?
Randall: She probably thought it was just the best investment in her future.
Kate: Question for you. Do you get progressively weirder as you get older?

Randall: Hey Beth, do you think the clinical trial is not a good idea?
Beth: I think your mom made her own decision. I think the tactics you used to get her there are...mmhmm.

Kevin: Listen, I got to get into this meeting. But tomorrow is my one-year-sober. My one year sober is also Jack's birthday.
Nicky: Oh.
Kevin: I thought you might want to congratulate me.
Nicky: I'll congratulate you tomorrow.

Jack. That song is amazing. So amazing that I'm having contractions.


This Is Us Season 4 Episode 18 Quotes

Kevin: Listen, I got to get into this meeting. But tomorrow is my one-year-sober. My one year sober is also Jack's birthday.
Nicky: Oh.
Kevin: I thought you might want to congratulate me.
Nicky: I'll congratulate you tomorrow.

Jack. That song is amazing. So amazing that I'm having contractions.
