Kevin: I miss my sheep.
Jack: I know. Look,bud, sometimes we lose things we love and it makes us feel sad. Really sad. Now I know right now this feels like the worst thing in the world, but I promise you will find something else to love.

Kevin: I'll see you next time someone dies.
Sophie: I'm already looking forward to it.

Grant never knew her. I mean, they met a few times, but she was so sick. It's so weird to think I'm going to spend the rest of my life with someone who never knew my mother.


Sophie: I can't believe you came.
Kevin: How could I not come?

Jack: Bec? I hate to wake you up. But you are the most beautiful sick woman I've ever seen.
Rebecca: You woke me up to tell me that?

Claire: You and I are finally going to see the Northern Lights.
Sophie: Mom, did you fix the pipes?
Claire: PIpes, shmipes. We're doing what we've always wanted to do.
Sophie: It took two years to save that money. You always do this!

Hey Soph, I'm really sorry. She was a force of nature.


Come on, kiddo. If the sheep won't come to us, maybe we need to go to them.


Hey Kev. I lied. I need a catch. I'm not okay.


Bud. I promise I scared all the monsters away. And because you're my son, now they're scared of you too. I'm gonna be honest with you. Your brother and sister are kind of high maintenance so I'm gonna need you to keep being you. Cause if you go south, I'm dead. So can you be a good boy and just go sleep in your bed.


Look, man, I get it. Us men of a certain shade, we're not used to talking. But that's therapy, right? Talking.


Darnell: I don't know man, if someone broke into my house when my wife and kids are sleeping, I'd be a mess.
Randall: I run.
Darnell: From the dude? No shame in that.
Randall: No, I mean that's how I deal with things, get over it.
Darnell: Do you do anything else but run?

This Is Us Season 4 Quotes

[Jack and Rebecca kiss]
Rebecca: I'm not calling you first.
Jack: I'm not calling YOU first.

Rebecca: How long have I been out?
Jack: Just a few minutes.
Rebecca: Great third date. Isn't it crazy? A few weeks ago I was in a bar looking at a cute guy -- not you, you came later. But isn't it weird how meeting someone can change everything?