You were raised in a trailer park by a bipolar mother and you got a full scholarship to med school, then you went to a country where you didn't even speak the language and two years later you're Chief of Surgery. Cancer? Pfft. You're an unstoppable force, Claire Brown, and on top of that you are overwhelmingly beautiful.


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The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 9: "Unconditional"
The Good Doctor
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The Good Doctor Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Charlie: I'm Charlie Lukaitis.
Claire: Shaun speaks very highly of you.
Charlie: He does?
Shaun: I was not complementary.
Claire: Shaun! I was trying to be nice, something which you could try harder to do too.

Shaun: I told her about the lump in your breast. It was before I convinced you to have your surgery here, so not a HIPAA violation.
Claire: I hope you also told her the biopsy was negative. It's not cancer, so there's nothing to worry about.
Lea: I reserve the right to worry anyway.