Bored to Death News

Bored to Death Review: Escape From the Castle!

Bored to Death Review: Escape From the Castle!

A dermatologist asks Jonathan to deliver a letter to his intended at an Asian health spa this week in "Escape From the Castle!". The latter uses this as an occasion to take Ray to the spa for his birthday.
Posted in: Reviews
Bored to Death Review: "Take a Dive"

Bored to Death Review: "Take a Dive"

The first season of Bored to Death comes to an end this week. The episode is titled "Take a Dive." All three main characters are asked to "Take a Dive". Which one does? Read our recap to find out!
Posted in: Bored to Death
Bored to Death Recap: "The Case of the Missing Screenplay"

Bored to Death Recap: "The Case of the Missing Screenplay"

At a New York film society event, George introduces Jonathan to a filmmaker, who wants Jonathan to work on his screenplay with him. This brings about an opportunity for Jonathan to get some booty - but as luck would have it - the woman is really a 16 year old girl! He fleas the scene and realizes that he leaves the script behind at her home, which happens to also be her dad's office. Jonathan is now in a bind to get back the script without getting caught!
Posted in: Bored to Death

Bored to Death Details

Bored to Death is an offbeat comedy on HBO.

It stars Jason Schwartzman as Jonathan Ames, a Brooklyn writer who lacks direction and purpose. tanks in part to his drinking and a recent break-up, he can't write his second novel. As a result, Jonathan turns to his fantasies and moonlights as a private detective.

This is someone that wants to be a hero.

Number of Episodes
Start Date

Bored to Death Quotes

Men face reality. Women don't. That why men need to drink.


I've always been intrigued by Stockholm Syndrome. Make me think of my childhood.
