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Theo punches Anthony. 

Peter returns and meets the new addition to the family. Oliver tells him Sage's secret.

Anthony, Robin, and Sam have an awkward encounter at the hospital.

The family reunites after the storm. Everyone knows Anthony is Luly's father. Everyone is living at Luly's house while their neighborhood is closed.

Luly accepts the car from Anthony.

The Crab Shack was severely damaged by the storm. They turn it into a donation center for hurricane relief.

Margot confronts Anthony for keeping the truth from her.

Peter expresses his concern over the adoption.

Luly's offered a weekly column in the paper.

Sam tells Robin he loves her.

Gladwell doesn't want to rebuild the Crab Shack. Larry tries to change their mind, but is unsuccessful.

Jules breaks up with Theo. Anthony comforts him.

Peter picks up Tess and brings her to meet the baby, Hampton. They officially decide to adopt him. 

They find out Hamptom doesn't have the gene.

Anthony calls a council meeting. He wants to build a cooking school for Theo in Savannah.

Denise asks Evan to fix up her mother's house.

Sam takes Robin to her house. There's a lot of damage, but it's still standing. 

Robin hallucinates Scott. She tells him about Sam. 

Larry is about to relapse when he gets a text from Robin asking where he is.

Council of Dads
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