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Cookie and Candace continue to search for their sister, but they continue to bicker and it leads to them going their seperate ways. Cookie hits up an old friend gets some clues as to where Carol is and reels Candace back in as they get her. 

Carol is full of drugs and refuses to leave with them, but they take her to breakfast and she chooses to go with Cookie. 

Delado has a change of heart, but Lucious already finds out who he really is and it crushes Cookie, who leaves Lucious to deal with him. She sends Carol to rehab. 

Lucious tries to get Cookie to sign the early music over to him, but Cookie refuses and it leads to hilarious one liners from both of them. 

Skye Summers shows up and there's an immediate connection between her and Jamal. They both like the same music and are put together to craft something. Skye is trying to deviate from her roots, but Jamal helps her realize it's ok to use the same music. They both share a passionate kiss in the end. 

Lucious buys Rhonda and Andre a mansion and it leads to a crazy Anika fighting for money.

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Empire Season 2 Episode 9 Quotes

Candace: Well, you can keep keep on counting. I don't do prisons.
Cookie: Bitch.

Shut your dumbass up.
