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Stabler has words with a new ADA who wants Stabler to stop investigating dirty cops. Stabler is not interested in his opinion. The ADA says Stabler would be ripped apart on the stand because of Wheatley. Anyway, Bell vetoes the idea of Stabler wearing a wire. She wants him to flip someone.

Jet has a solar powered motorcycle. Stabler has a cold case for her:  his father.

Two rogue gang members think the Marcy Killers are done, but is confronted by the gang leader. Webb shoots both of them at point-blank range.

Meanwhile, Donnelly rides with Stabler and plans to bust and then rob a pot dealer. They get a call, which annoys Donnelly. A woman with a black eye says everything's fine. Stabler breaks in and arrests her partner. Donnelly says he will get her a victim's services advocate.

Stabler stares at the cross. Eli tells him someone is here for him.

Webb is holding his baby and says he did what he had to do for the family.

Bernie is back. She doesn't like the food. Eli wants to know why they never talk about Papa Joe. She says there's nothing to talk about. What they can do to help her re-entry is for Eli to not steal her meds anymore.

Webb has a big dinner with Nova and her brother.

Stabler insists Eli stay at the table til dinner is finished. Bernie says Papa Joe would have boxed Elliot's ears if he'd rolled his eyes like that.

Webb offers to donate money to charity. Nova tells her brother not to take his money and don't tell Mom and Dad.

Bernie wonders why Eli is so interested in Papa Joe all of a sudden. Elliot asks Bernie the story behind the Combat Cross. She doesn't know anything and gets upset. No one trusted her with their secrets. Don't tell her that he's cheating, that he's suspended. She denies the next second that Joe got suspended and says don't question your father or he'll do worse than he did to that perp.

Jet looks at a record for Jesse Santo and finds he made payments to a rehab center.

Stabler watches Santos exchange money with some guy and then calls him over. He says an online date was a bust. Santos says he's working private security. Stabler tells him the Brotherhood can help if he needs money. Santos says it's not enough. Santos tells him about a plot to steal diamonds. Stabler offers himself as a wingman. Then he reports back to Bell and Jet. Jet also tells him three reports corroborate that his father was a good cop.

Nova's brother talks to Bell and Denise about christening the baby. Denise thinks the fact that Nova is his sister means it's meant to be as she was also offered a job with Kilbride. Bell wonders why she didn't tell her.

Bell doesn't want Denise to take this job and says Jack is too young. Denise disagrees and is hurt Bell doesn't support her dream job.

Donnelly says his dad and Stabler's dad did their thing in this bar. He insists all cops were corrupt back then.

Shapiro has approved them for a wire. She and Stabler will be at a coffee shop and Jet needs to quickly set up a wiretap.

Stabler says he will keep Donnelly busy. He comes home and Bernie seems upset and says Stabler is nothing like Joe and should stop investigating himself.

Stabler and Santos go to a coffee shop. Santos doesn't want any coffee.Stabler tries to stall while Jet breaks into the car. Santos wants to get moving out. Bell tells as soon as Maldanado gets there she has to. Maldonado arrives. There is no connection though. Santos doesn't want to stay.

Santos freaks out at seeing a ticket on his windshield. Stabler tells him to relax.

Bell listens in as Santos and Stabler talk in the car. Donnelly shows up and wants to be in on the heist. Donnelly insists on hearing the plan. Santos tells him. Santos leaves and Donnelly thanks Stabler for looping him in. He explains that Santos' daughter has leukemia and insurance is maxed out.

Santos intercepts a guy named Hurley who feels sick. He and Stabler break into the guy's briefcase while a guy keeps banging on the door.

Santos tries to reassure a freaked out Hurley.

Donnelly has a new plan where he is taking over and gets all the jewels from Stabler and the keys from Santos.

Hurley has a lot of money and wants to go to the police station as he was robbed.  Donnelly refuses and the guy fights him for the steering wheel. He also has a gun. Donnelly end sup shooting him in the head.

The team is concerned about not finding Hurley but Bell says Santos is the priority.

Nova shows up just in time to learn her brother set up a health clinic at her brother's church. She meets him at church and says she is praying she is doing the right thing. Her brother says you can't put yourself above Webb. Nova tells him she is undercover and investigating Webb. Her brother says Daddy wouldn't want this. He died in the line of duty. He won't tell Nova who killed him.

Santos kisses his child and his wife.. There is a knock on the door. It's Bell and a bunch of cops. Santos is arrested.

Stabler knocks on a door. It's Cragen.

Cragen didn't know Joe Stabler well. But he says Joe was a tough man in a tough situation. Yes, there were bad cops, but that was the world his father worked in. He says Joe was a great cop in his day. Maybe he gave Stabler the medal to tell him to be better than he was.

Law & Order: Organized Crime
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Law & Order: Organized Crime Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes

Stabler: I owe you.
Jet: Yeah Hey, we should ride sometime.
Stabler: It's on my bucket list.

Stabler: New ADA?
Bell: Kelly Shapiro, the department's new hand-picked anklebiter.