Luck News

Luck Review: Upping The Ante

Luck Review: Upping The Ante

On Luck this week, Ace recruits for his plan for revenge, the gamblers buy a racehorse and Nick Nolte continues to gargle gravel.
Posted in: Reviews
Luck Review: How To Make It In America

Luck Review: How To Make It In America

Ace meets with his parole officer then has a contentious meeting with former business partners about his racetrack plan. Jerry loses thousands at the poker table, and Lonnie gets in over his head. Why did Ace go to jail, and what really happened to the legendary racehorse Delphi? Find out in our review!
Posted in: Reviews
Luck Review: Off To The Races

Luck Review: Off To The Races

In the pilot of Luck, "Ace" Bernstein is released from prison and begins plotting his revenge. At the racetrack, dreams are made or broken, and Luck claims its first casualty. Who was it? Find out in our review!
Posted in: Luck

Luck Details

Luck takes viewers behind the scenes of life at a race track. We meet all the players involved, from the jockeys to the owners to the gamblers.

Number of Episodes
Start Date

Luck Quotes

Mr. Walter, listen, this guy's got nine more gears!


You think you're the first front in history?

Ace [to Gus]