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Henry is offered the position of interim chair to the newly formed ethics department at the War College, but he hesitates to accept. In fact, he only throws his hat in the ring when he meets the other contender for the job. He takes an instant dislike to Lyle when he makes a joke in poor taste about Elizabeth. When Henry finds out that Lyle lied on his resume, he struggles over telling the hiring committee. He eventually decides to tell Lyle what he knows and thus give him the chance to come clean. Lyle ends up taking a sabbatical and Henry gets the position. He's excited by the new venture even though the department committee immediately is concerned with petty politics and mundane infighting. 

Morejon attacks the premise of Elizabeth's ongoing negotiations with Iran, which leads to Dalton and Russell wanting to push Phase Two of the treaty until after the midterm elections. At the same time, Saudi Arabia is upset that the arms deal they have with the US is being delayed by several months. The next day, Mike B shows up to warn Elizabeth and Henry that the family of a man killed by Iranian backed extremists in Saudi Arabia is suing Elizabeth personally. Mike B and the White House advise her to avoid being served -- she'd have to refuse to testify on National Security grounds and that would just support Morejon's narrative. After her security detail takes down the process server and the video goes viral, Elizabeth decides to accept the summons. While practicing her testimony with Mike B, she again decides to follow her conscience and pay the visit to the family suing her. Their son was actually a covert CIA agent, and she reads them in on his service to the US. They end up dropping the lawsuit, which was funded by factions within the Saudi government. This disrupts Morejon's plan, and negotiations with Iran lead to the recovery of a kidnaped American journalist. 


Madam Secretary
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Madam Secretary Season 4 Episode 17 Quotes

Dalton: And how are the talks going?
Elizabeth: Slowly, sir. [Russell huffs in dissatisfaction] We are negotiating with a long time adversary, Russell, not microwaving soup, it takes time.

That guy has one of the most punchable faces of all time.

Allison [about Morejon]