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Dru kills Kino, as Lorenzo plans to expand the business and collect more soldiers.

Davis and Saxe show Tariq video the prosecution has of who they believe to be Ramirez’s killer, him. Tariq tells them he was with Paula the night of his death, and Davis tries to secure her as a witness, but she rebuffs him.

Tariq finds a picture in the Weston yearbook of Sweeney in blackface, but Brayden tells him he can’t use it. However, he does tell Tate about the photo, who attempts to blackmail Robert Weston, and Brayden overhears it.

Needing another alibi, Tariq tells them he was with Yas the night of Jabari’s death. But when they question her, Jenny trips her up, and they realize they can’t put her on the stand.

Mecca approaches Zeke and tells him that he is his father. But Monet later tells him that his father is in jail for life and that man was looking to ride Zeke’s coattails.

Lorenzo meets with Mecca, and he decides to give Lorenzo all his product. Later, Dru and Cane fight, and he tells Lorenzo that Everett is a snitch.

Dru then intends to kill Everett but chickens out at the last minute.

Lauren goes to Tariq to apologize, but Diana shows up. Diana and Tariq sleep together after she confides in Tariq about her family drama.

Jenny presents Tariq with a plea deal, but he rejects it.

With no product now to keep CourseCorrect going, Cane tells Tariq that he needs to figure out a way to make money.

Power Book II: Ghost
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Power Book II: Ghost Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Saxe: For the first time, I think that kid may actually be innocent of something, and he won't help us prove that he's being framed.
Davis: You don't understand the streets, Saxe. Maybe he won't say shit, because he can't say shit.

Rule number one; no loose ends.

Lorenzo [to Dru]