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-After Gail's uniform is stolen from her car, a woman wearing it shoots and kills a drug dealer. The assailant is the sister of a 16 year old meth user. She stole the uniform to try and help her brother and felt so powerful wearing it that she killed his dealer.

-Dov and Chris seemingly makeup. When they ask Gail if things can go back to normal she's mean and sarcastic. They take that as a positive response.

-Sam and Andy continue their relationship even though he's undercover as JD. Brennan catches them and they try to cover.

-When Andy leaves JD's, Brennan picks her up and questions her. She mentions JD being a big football fan in passing as she tries to keep her cover. Later JD tells Brennan he isn't much of a fan.

-Andy wonders if she blew Sam's cover. She tells Frank what happened. Then a team is sent out when Swarek's wire is turned off. Andy follows and finds blood on the floor and Swarek missing.


Rookie Blue
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Rookie Blue Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Some people, a lot of people, are just plain bad.


The thing I really want to know is why someone is running around in your uniform robbing drug dealers.
