Rookie Blue Review: "On the Double"

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Rookie Blue set up the upcoming season finale by putting our favorite dynamic duo in jeopardy. "On the Double" had Sam and Andy hitting the sheets once again, damning the consequences.

What the heck was Sam thinking? He knew the dangers of undercover work and yet he called Andy anyway. I didn't see that coming. This boy's got it bad.

Dov on the Scene

And what the heck did the hand wave mean when Brennan came to the door? Stay? Hide? Thankfully Andy seemed better at interpreting that than I was.

Back at the precinct Gail was having the world's most horrible day. Her uniform was stolen. Then, someone wore it and killed a man. She got reamed out by her boss and her boyfriend and best friend made up only to both spend the day ignoring her. Nice to know they cared so much.

From there, Gail ended up at Celeste, the all-night psychic. Yeah, that's a desperate, miserable girl move.

At the end of the day, Chris and Dov decided they should all go back to normal. I was happy to see that Gail wasn't groveling for their attention or approval but then again, that wouldn't have been Gail. Other than her and Chris breaking up, I suppose everything else did go back to normal.

I liked that Jerry checked on Traci when he found out she'd done her first death notification, although I doubt that's how this type of thing normally goes. The sisters were great. No shock or tears. Their brother was a dirt bag drug dealer with plenty of enemies. No illusions here.

Traci's search for the good in people for the sake of her son was sweet but she was definitely asking the wrong group of people. I loved the exchange between her and Luke:

Traci: Detective, do you believe that if you look hard enough you can find good in everyone.
Luke: You know I'm a homicide detective, right? | permalink

As Brennan drove Andy around and asked her about JD, I remember thinking she should have been more vague about the football question. I wished she'd deflected it by saying they'd spent all their time in bed. That certainly would have been safer for both of them.

Andy's panic radiated off the screen. Could her slip up end with getting Sam tortured and killed? No doubt the two of them weren't being smart, but that's what happens when you wait far too long to resolve the sexual tension. Good sense flies out the window.

So, was that really Sam's blood all over the stairs? And if he survives, what will their indiscretion mean for both of their careers? Hopefully we'll find out in the upcoming season finale.

On the Double Review

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Rating: 4.7 / 5.0 (71 Votes)

C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Rookie Blue Season 2 Episode 12 Quotes

Some people, a lot of people, are just plain bad.


The thing I really want to know is why someone is running around in your uniform robbing drug dealers.
