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Clyde gathers the alien board, fruit, bible, and glasses before torching the barn.

Maria performs a seance to try and reach Alex. Rosa comes back to Roswell to help try to find Alex.

Michael and Isobel travel to the barn, hoping it will trigger a memory for Isobel.

Liz tells Max they believe Alex is missing, and she tells Max not to tell Michael. Later, Michael and Max find Dallas's car and a page from the bible.

Liz continues to work on finding a cure for Bonnie's virus with Shivani's help. Shivani shows Liz a broken pod, and Liz later takes Shivani to the pod squads pods, where she extracts fluids in hopes of using it to help create a cure.

Rosa and Maria go to the desert to clear Maria's mind, and Michael overhears them mention Alex is missing. Realizing that everyone knew but him, he takes his aggression out on Max, who admits he didn't tell Michael because he didn't want to undermine Liz.

Liz succeeds in finding a cure to bring the alien's powers back.

Isobel shows Tezca a memory of the two of them that Tezca does not recall. After releasing Tezca from her alien shackles, the two fight before Isobel shows Tezca more memories of their prior relationship as student and teacher. One memory shows Tezca hiding Isobel from Jones, who would later go on to suppress her memories.

Liz gives Michael the cure, and he gets his powers back. Later, he apologizes to Maria and Rosa, and Maria acts as a conduit to get Alex in touch with Michael. Alex sends them signs around the Wild Pony and then uses Michael's pendant to show his whereabouts on a map.

The pendant leads them to the quicksand, where Maria falls in before Max and Michael get her out. Maria can see the pendant and the underground world beneath the sand, but no one else can.

Tezca tells Isobel that Jones wanted Liz and told her that she would bring the Alighting.

Clyde goes to the Crashdown looking for Liz.

At the lab, Liz confronts Shivani when she realizes that Shivani sniffed some of the mist. She later shows Liz her daughter, Nicole, in the cryogenic chamber and asks her to help save her. Liz refuses, and Shivani drops the canister releasing the mist into the air and causing them both to pass out.

Roswell, New Mexico
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Roswell, New Mexico Season 4 Episode 8 Quotes

Michael: What's with the vibe?
Max: I don't have a vibe.
Michael: I don't need my alien mojo to know when something's wrong with you. Oh. You're in your feels because we're muggles now.

Isobel: When we were fighting, Tezca told me no matter where in the universe you are, my blade will find you.
Michael: Cause that's not unsettling at all.