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A woman at a trucker stop is knocked about by an alien, who steals her badge and truck.

After a six-month time jump, Liz and Max are living together. And Liz is teaching a GED course. She is getting them ready for Barmeggedon and a rocket launch contest in Roswell.

Michael stalls in handing over the keys to his trailer to Dallas as he prepares to move in with Alex, who later gives him his own key to his home. Later, Michael breaks a model gazebo Alex had been building.

Kyle and Liz give Maria her last dose of the serum, slowing her brain degeneration.

Max gives Arturo his mother's ring as he prepares to propose to Liz.

Anatsa tells Isobel that she loves her, but Isobel doesn't say it back.

At Max's, the gang throws a Hatch Party, and Michael tells Max not to propose there, while Isobel freaks out about Anatsa coming as she has not yet told her she's an alien.

Cameron, now with the FBI, calls Max to the scene of a bank heist, where all the bank boxes were emptied, and the scene smells like rain. Max resists the idea of it being aliens at first.

Max attempts to propose to Liz in the town square but decides against it when another proposal happens at the same place.

The rogue alien, Tezca, spreads a pink liquid onto the land near an oil pump and unleashes the particles into the air.

At Deep Sky, Eduardo talks to Kyle and Alex about the assignments he has them working on and wonders about the weather patterns, which are reminiscent of the patterns seen after the crash of 1947. He also prods Kyle to get a life outside of Deep Sky.

Cameron and Max are called to a bank robbery and engage in a car chase with the aliens. After getting boxed in by a truck, the bank robber alien lifts the truck out of his way, and they escape. The aliens then bring alien particles to Tezca.

Michael and Alex make amends after Michael continues to struggle with the move.

Liz confronts Max about his proposal, and the two decide to hold off and just take things day by day. While they embrace the Crashdown roof, a thunderstorm comes, and a fiery object crashes threw the Crashdown sign.

The rain comes along with a purple sky.

And Tezca informs the other two aliens, who are part of her triad, that the Alighting is coming.

Roswell, New Mexico
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Roswell, New Mexico Season 4 Episode 1 Quotes

Cameron: Well, as much as I wish this was a good old-fashioned laugh and get lit, I've called you to help solve this odd little bank job.
Max: Me? Why?
Cameron: Cuz I think you and I might be the only people who can crack this case. I think this heist was committed by aliens.

Make yourself at home, okay? It is yours after all.

Alex [to Michael]