Sex and the City News

LGBTQ+ Tropes on TV Need to Stop

LGBTQ+ Tropes on TV Need to Stop

Just about every TV show wants to claim an LGBTQ+ character. Either to meet a quota or to appeal to a mass audience. Here we reveal the problems and offer solutions.
Posted in: Editorials
33 Greatest Ships in Sitcom History

33 Greatest Ships in Sitcom History

No matter what year you were born, you've experienced that one hilarious couple that you couldn't stop rooting for. Check out 33 of our favorite ships from sitcoms!
Posted in: Friends
Classic TV Quotes: Sex and the City Season Five

Classic TV Quotes: Sex and the City Season Five

During the 5th season, Carrie's column transformed into a book, Samantha takes Richard back, despite her friends' input. Miranda learns how to be a mother, and Charlotte ends things with Trey and begins a new love affair with her lawyer, Harry. Reminisce over the best and most memorable quotes of the season.
Posted in: Sex and the City

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.