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This year's Thanksgiving episode of Supergirl found the Agent of Liberty unleashing a manifesto titled "Twilight's Last Gleaming" on National City.

Supergirl and Manchester immediately thwart an attack on an innocent alien couple, but when Alex brings the manifesto encouraging violence against the aliens to Colonel Haley, she tells her they won't be using resources to look into it. "We'll let the FBI handle it," she tells Alex before ordering her to let it go. 

Trusting her gut, Alex ignores the Colonel's orders and encourages Brainy to continue digging into it. 

Lena arranges a TV appearance for James Olsen to publicly disavow his relationship with the Children of Liberty and call them what they are, a dangerous hate group, but he refuses because he just set up a meeting with them in hopes of learning more and finally getting his hands on their leader. 

When Lena isn't able to persuade James even after threatening him with the boss card, Kara steps in.  

Nia Nall helps her prepare for the appearance, that is when she's not falling asleep.

Kara becomes concerned about Nia's self-diagnosed "narcolepsy" and suggests she get it checked out with a doctor. When she rejects help from Kara's mom, Kara becomes concerned. 

When Kara gets to set, she's surprised to learn she's debating Ben Lockwood who tries to incite fear in the public by saying the aliens will kill them like the European settlers slaughtered the Indians. 

Meanwhile, James meets with Tom and the two chat about the group's views while walking a dog that gets aggressive around certain houses. 

The whole team regroups at Kara's place for Thanksgiving dinner, but they barely get to the pie before jumping back into action. 

When alien hate group business is brought up at the table, Brainy pulls out a mask belonging to the Children of Liberty and realizes it uses special technology to secretly mark houses belonging to the aliens that are, you guessed it, sniffed out by dogs. 

They piece everything together and figure out that attack is planned for sunset or Twilight's Last Gleaming.

As the Children of Liberty are attacking an alien at home, his daughter begs their pet dragon to save them. 

The pet transforms into a full-on dragon which Kara assumes is a threat until Alex informs her that the pet is only doing what was asked of him. When she pets Spike and tells him he completed his mission, he shrinks back down again. 

Despite thwarting a major attack, Supergirl and Alex still get an earful from the Colonel about disobeying orders. 

Regardless, she acknowledged that the DEO would be making the alien hate groups a priority.

Speaking of people we hate, Ben Lockwood's face-off with Kara landed him a TV show where he'll be able to continue spewing hatred and manipulating the masses. 

Lena's research into the harun-el from Argo reveals the ability to create an indestructible human. Though everyone warns her not to play god, she decided to find a human subject to give superpowers to anyway.

James reconnects with Tom after the planned attacks hoping that he finally go through to him but instead, walks into a trap and is kidnapped. 

And lastly, Manchester continues on his crusade to avenge Fiona's death. Peace be damned. 

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Supergirl Season 4 Episode 6 Quotes

Nia Nal: Please don't fire me.
James Olsen: No one's going to fire you. You do amazing work... when you're awake.

Supergirl: Who is this Agent Liberty?
Man: We all are.