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Lex is furloughed from prison after suffering a stroke just as news breaks that James Olsen was shot. 

Lena rushes to the hospital where they tell her that James' injury will likely leave him paralyzed. 

She speeds up her work in hopes of perfecting the serum for James. 

When she hits a roadblock, she promises to give Lex the serum in exchange for his help.

Lena is able to deliver the serum to James as the power shuts down mid-surgery. 

Everyone believes that the blackout was caused by Manchester Black, who was trying to make J'onn crack and join him in the fight. 

However, Lena realizes that the hospital's power failure was a seperate incident orchestrated by her own brother. 

When she confronts him, Lex admits that he had James shot in order to motivate Lena to finish the life-saving serum.

When that wasn't effective enough, he nudged her even further. 

Disgusted by her brother's despicable actions, Lena assures him she'll never give him the cure, but the mastermind already took it with the help of his two accomplices, Otis, whom we previously believed was dead, and Eve, Lena's assistant, whose been on Team Lex this whole time. 

As Lex escapes on his private heliocopter, Eve and Otis stay behind to 'handle' Lena. 

J'onn gives into his killer insticts, breaks his vow of peace, and kills Manchester thinking he was the one who shot James.

Afterwards, he's ridden with guilt and begins to have an identity crisis. 

James' sister, Kelly, comes to town after hearing he'd been shot and befriends Alex, a possible love interest. 

Brainy and Nia finally share  a kiss in the hospital room, but Brainy shoots down any hopes of a relationship because he feels they are moving too quickly.

He's been dealing with a lot lately.

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Supergirl Season 4 Episode 15 Quotes

Lex and Lena Luthor, teaming up to save Superman's best pal. What would mother think?

Lex Luthor

I'm not the one who accidentally poisoned myself with Kryptonite in a quixotic attempt to kill an invincible man. And while I do find the irony that you now need the Black Kryptonite to cure yourself just delicious, you are my brother, Kex. I do want to save you. Besides, how can you pay your debt to society if you're already dead?
