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Lea continually turns off alarms until Shaun wakes up.

Later she finds Shaunw watching the Weather Channel when she gets up to check the computer for her project with Jordan. Shaun tells her it's unhealthy to wake up every 15 minutes -- work later.

Morgan and Andrews meet a foster kid who was badly beaten up and insists he fell. He also calls Andrews Carleton, and Andrews promises to dance for him if he cooperates with the exam. He has severe bruising on his stomach.

Shaun meets an iron lung patient with a loud iron lung. The noise annoys him.

Jordan wants to get an endorsement from Glassman.

Park and Asher wonder what happened to the kid. They exchange stories of being bullied. Andrews jumps in with a story of how a bus driver stopped him from fighting. Anyway the kid has three broken ribs and this isn't the first time they've been broken.

Lim says the iron lung patient needs an aortic transplant. Her niece shows up and there is banter, though Shaun is of the opinion that the girl's documentaries are oversimplified.

Glassman looks over the proposal.  He wants to be part of the project. Jordan doesn't like the idea but they're stuck.

During the surgery, Shaun complains about the number of alarms Lea sets and refuses to wear ear plugs as he hates things in his ears. After the surgery, Joanne appears to be doing well but suddenly the iron lung fails.

Shaun has called Lea in to work on the iron lung and micromanages, annoying Lea. Joanne's niece asks if Lea is a mechanic. Lea says she knows what she is doing.

Andrews gives the news to the foster kid, who proceeds to ignore him and insists no one is abusing him. The kid tells Andrews to stop interrogating him and just fix his broken bones.

Lea thanks she has fixed the iron lung but it goes too fast and breaks again. It needs a part that is no longer manufactured.

Sophie calls and leaves messages for someone who might have a gear box in an old Chevy. She asks Lea about sex with Shaun, claiming that lack of boundaries is in her job description. Lea says Shaun is focused and determined in all areas.  Sophie asks about Shaun's day-to-day functioning. Lea says Shaun can't have his routine screwed with.  Sophie says her ex-boyfriend tried to advocate for her and it annoyed her.

Andrews begins to forge a bond with Kevin over art. Kein lets him look at his sketchbook. Kevin is very talented and has imitated the styles of painters he admires. Andrews says Picasso was dyslexic just like Kevin and that a lot of geniuses are dyslexic, including himself. Kevin wants to know how Andrews became a doctor. He shuts down when Andrews suggests his home is unsafe.

The owner doesn't want to sell the gear box because he thinks they are making up the story to beat him in a vintage car competition. Sophie offers to include his generosity in her latest film and he finally sells.

Later, Joan is surprised Lea knew about classic cars. Sophie says that Lea is engaged to Shaun and he is as talented in bed as he is a surgeon. She wants him and Lea to participate in her reality show. The iron lung is working but Joan has a rupture and begins gasping for breath.

During the surgery, Jordan doesn't think Shaun is reality show material but Lim thinks he should go for it. Joanne cannot use the iron lung anymore but what other solution is there? Shaun visualizes and suggests putting cement in her cracked vertebrae to stabilize them.

Lea had fun working with Shaun. He has bought her a wrist alarm so she can sleep in the same room with him. They discuss the reality show idea. Lea doesn't think money should be the deciding factor and isn't sure she wants their relationship broadcast for the whole world to see.

Kevin only has to stay in the hospital one more night for observation. Andrews offers to get him a reading tutor and gives him his number which Kevin doesn't seem interested in taking but does anyway.

Glassman is concerned about patent strategy and says they have to be ready to talk to investors. He says the product also needs to be retooled. His ideas would send them back to the drawing board. He thinks they would have a billion dollar idea if they listened to him. Lea decides to talk to him p privately. She tells him to have more respect for the work they have put into the project. She thinks he is being sexist. He insists he wouldn't have acted differently with two men. He's just trying to help and maybe she should listen to the ideas. She sarcastically thanks him for telling her how she's supposed to feel.

Joan doesn't want the surgery. Sophie is upset. Joanne will die within a few months without the surgery. Joanne is ready to go.

Kevin is massively bleeding. His sutures were torn and Andrews realizes he did this to himself.

Andrews tries to find out why Kevin pulled out his sutures. Kevin wanted to stay in the hospital. He still doesn't want to tell Andrews who is hurting him.  Andrews gets up to go. Kevin says there's five of them. Every Friday they try to make him read and he can never get it right so they hurt him. Andrews tells him again that he's not stupid, he's just dyslexic.

Morgan asks Glassman if he wants to do a rectal exam. He doesn't. Morgan says Jordan is upset with Glassman. Glassman says apparently he offended them. Morgan says he is being sexist.  She thinks he has boss syndrome and all he has to do is shut up and listen to what the women want to do with the project.

Andrews talks to Sarah who says there is a 10/1 staff/kid ratio so she can't promise to catch the bullies. She has a story about how Kevin called another kid a baby so he's harder to deal with than Andrews thinks. No foster family will want a teenager who has run away so he has to stay here.

Sophie asks Shaun what else they can do for Joanne. He says just hospice. Also Sophie wonders if they want to do her show but they haven't decided yet.  She says there are people who need to know that Shaun's exist. Lea realizes that the people who needed Joan can help her now.

Sophie sets up a Zoom call with all of the former students Joan has helped. They all tell her how she positively impacted them.  Sophie says that Joan is scared of life without the iron lung but she can find her courage again. Joan agrees to the surgery.

Kevin is set for discharge. Andrews says DCFS will get Kevin transferred to a different placement in a week's time. Kevin looks nervous. Andrews says Kevin has an infection and has to stay here another week.

Glassman tells the women he isn't sure he can change the dynamic so maybe they should call it a day and he will give them the endorsement. Jordan says that she has decided Glassman was right. Lea thinks maybe they can all learn new tricks. Glassman says he'll give it a shot.

Joan has named her new device after Gene Kelly. Shaun says when he was younger he would have liked to have seen a TV show about a man like him but Lea doesn't want to do it. Lea says she wants to inspire other people. So they decide to do the reality show.

The Good Doctor
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The Good Doctor Season 5 Episode 15 Quotes

I got into a fight with two kids on the bus. The driver, Ms. Limond, broke it up. She said they used their fists because they were too stupid to use words. From then on, I settled fights with words instead of with my fists. It helped that I had Mrs. Limond in my corner.


Patient: I don't want to take my shirt off. Carlton.
Andrews: Ah yes, Cousin Carleton of Fresh Prince fame. I'll take that as a compliment.