Red Carpet - This Is Us
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Toby asks if Kevin knows what Randall wants to talk about. He doesn't. Randall video chats. Toby shows off the baby before he leaves. Randall tells Kevin that he is going to NY to talk to Rebecca. He wants to get Rebecca into a 9 month clinical trial. KEvin doen't like the idea. Kate thinks it's up to Rebecca. Kate agrees but Kevin doesn't want to do it but Randall says to trust him. 

In the past, the Pearsons are going to NY for Randall's debate tournament. Jack wants all of the kids to choose something to do in NYC. Rebecca wants to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art.

At a later date (but still in the past), Kate doens't want to go to NY with Rebecca and insists she's okay. Beth is coming with them. They are going to KEvin's monologue competition.

In the present, Kevin takes Rebecca to the hotel.

Jack and ocmpany are on the subway. Randall admires a jazz player on the subway. Kevin starts dancing, annoying Randall.

Jack and Rebecca argue about whether they are supposed to get out here or not.  It turns out they are going to Queens because of subway rerouting.

Everyone watches Kevin's monologue. Kevin's teacher compliments Kevin to Rebecca.

Rebecca asks Kevin to walk the red carpet with him. KEvin says of course. Randall shows up and compliments REbecca's dress. Rebecca goes to change and Kevin says they shouldn't talk about the trial today. Randall is unhappy ahout this but Kevin gets him to agree to wait til tomorrow.

Jack and company are lost in Queens. Rebecca knows how to get back to the train but Jack is upset.  He is jealous about Rebecca going to the city with her dad. Rebecca says her dad knew how to stress her mom out. She wants to be with Jack.  They decide to buy pretzels off a stand.

College-age group: Kevin orders mozarella sticks etc. Randall disapproves. Kirby shows up. He is a musician and he flirts with Rebecca, who runs off.

The Pearsons hit the fancy hotel for tea. Nobody wants to go to the museum. Rebecca says they can skip the Met. Jack wants Rebecca to go to the Met.

Rebecca tries to hail a cab and gets some help from Kirby, who admits Kevin was trying to set them up. Rebecca apologizes for being uncomfortable. She says her husband died a year ago and wonders if things will ever start to feel more comfortable. Kirby doesn't know. He says a year after his divorce, his kids didn't want to hear about him dating. Rebecca understands that. 

Rebecca ends up asking Kirby to come with her.

Randall is annoyed and thinks Rebecca isn't ready to date. He and Kevin argue. Randall accuses Kevin of abandoning Rebecca. Kevin says Dad would want Mom to be happy.

In the present, Kevin introduces Rebecca to his agent. 

Rebecca can't remember the name of the hotel they are staying at. She is embarrassed. Randall tells her about the clinical trial in St. Louis. Kevin sees them talking from across the room.

The Met is closed and Rebecca (earliest version) goes. She comes home and says she didn't get there in time. Kevin blames Randall.

In the present, Kevin is annoyed that Randall brought this up.  Rebecca goes and Kevin and Randall argue. KEvin thinks Randall doesn't take him seriously and doesn't know that he is paying for Rebecca's care. They discover Rebecca is missing.

The Pearson family takes a carriage ride in Central Park. Jack and Rebecca kiss.

Rebecca tells Kirby about her audition. Kirby says the carriages are bad for horses and it's a cheesy touristy thing. Rebecca decides to go back to the hotel.

We see Rebecca as a little girl in the Met.

In the present, Randall and Kevin are hurrying to try to find Rebecca. It is interspersed with Rebecca as a little girl.

Randall and Kevin find Rebecca in front of the painting. She talks about being fascinated by this painting when she was a little girl. She always wanted to go to the Met next time and never did. She realizes she is running out of time. She doesn't want to do the clinical trial.

Later, Randall tells Kevin that Rebecca doesn't know what she wants. Kevin blew his chance to save Rebecca. Kevin informs him he couldn't have saved Dad either. Randall wonders what it would have been like if Jack hadn't died. Kevin says he doesn't wonder about that. Randall does every day. There is a flashback of Jack going back in during the fire. Randall imagines Jack deciding not to go back in and hugging them all.

This Is Us
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This Is Us Season 4 Episode 16 Quotes

Rebecca: Kevin and his classmates are all going to be monologuing.
Randall: Kevin should be good at that. He's been monologuing his entire life.

Randall: All right, Kev, the reason I'm coming to New York is that I have something I need to talk to Mom about in person.
Kevin: And you want to support me, right?