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A little girl in a foreign country catches a fish with her grandfather.

Meanwhile, 13-year-old Kevin has gained some weight. Randall is dismissive. Meanwhile, Kate is impatient.

Randall interview therapists of color via Zoom. One of them is interrupted by a toddler.

Beth has made pancakes. Deja and Tess are not interested. They are getting ready for online school. Randall comes in and says he found his therapist. Tess won't eat because the eggs aren't cage-free.

Kevin comes into the kitchen with Madison. She didn't want balloons from Rebecca and Miguel. They are moving in together because of the pandemic. They discuss being good with their arrangement. Kevin gets a text that he got the part he wanted. He wants to go on a diet so he can be all buff and take off his shirt. His agent calls. Madison looks upset.

Toby is nervous as they meet a potential birth mother. They discuss which mask Kate should wear. Kate wants this so bad. The woman, Elly, comes up to them.

Kate's friend thinks Stewart still likes Kate. Randall is not interested in joining them. Stewart comes.

In the present, Elly and Kate talk about being from Pittsburgh. Toby thinks they are getting off topic. Elly says she lost her husband to cancer and it was awful, but it took her a few years to be ready to date someone else. She had a drunken one-night stand and got pregnant. The baby will do better elsewhere with parents that really want her. She gets a call and goes temporarily. Kate is excited that the girl has a Ghostbusters ringtone. Toby is suspicious.

Elly needs to be somewhere. Kate and Toby offer to take her.

Randall is nervous during his first session. He says this is important to him and he wants to do it right. The therapist gives him homework: write down a story from his childhood that might tell the therapist something about him. Randall gets a text to call him when he's done because Beth got a call from Tess' principal.

Madison is very quiet as she and Kevin are walking. He tells her sex scenes are unsexy. A fan interrupts. She wants a selfie. Madison walks away upset and tells Kevin she's upset about a lot of stuff and wants to be alone.

The little Vietnamese girl, Lynn, complains everything takes too long. Her grandfather says she needs patience. He is cooking for someone. 

Randall is watching Mr. Belvedere. Kate's friend starts talking to him. He says he's in the middle of his routine. Jack and Kevin come in and Jack is all proud of Kevin's football progress. He wants to take him out to the garage.  Jack isn't happy with the study group.

Kate and Toby start arguing about diapers in front of Elly. They end up laughing. They turn toward Elly, who is staring at them.

At home, Tess has made a video where she and her friend yell at the principal. Beth and Randall stare at her.

Tess says they did it last year after Ms. Jennings touched her hair. Beth said you should have told the teacher or us, not made a video. Tess thinks she was standing up for Black people and trans people.  She gets sent to her room.

Randall runs away from the girl and goes to do homework.

Beth pours wine. She gives some to Randall. He tells her about the journal. Beth is worried about what Tess will write about them.  She thinks Tess should know better. Randall admits part of him is proud of her. When he was her age, he swallowed it when something bothered him. He worried she was like him but all of a sudden she's coming into her own and isn't afraid of who she is. Beth says there still have to be consequences, and they have to be on the same page.

Elly thanks them for the ride. Kate hopes their argument didn't make Elly feel uncomfortable. Elly laughs about how her late husband used to overbuy condiments and they fought about it constantly. She has a strong feeling about them. She goes. 

Madison comes into the kitchen. She says she's feeling fine. She says Kevin did nothing wrong. He asks what he said. Madison says she had an eating disorder and now she's pregnant. She put the ultrasound on the fridge to remind herself to eat food to keep her babies healthy. She has to remind herself to act proud that she put on two pounds when usually news like that makes her spiral. She's been hiding a lot of herself from him. This isn't normal. Everything is backwards. She is feeling very insecure. But she is fine and loves their babies. 

Jack wants to start easy and Kevin wants more lead. Jack shows him how to warm up.

Kate is disappointed that Stewart doesn't want to be with her. Rebecca tells her following her heart is a real strength. She's proud of her.

Toby restocks the diapers. Kate is laughing. Elly is talking with her about Buffy. Toby thinks she's texting too much. Toby is nervous that Elly could change her mind. Kate says she did rub her belly and smile. Toby says Elly seems to be falling hard for us.

Randall comes to takl to Tess, who is on her phone. He tells her there's a right way and wrong way to stand up for yourself. This isn't her. She insists it is. He says it's not. He says he's taking her phone and she's grounded for six weeks.  She calls him a fascist.

Jack shows Kevin how to lift weights, mixed in with some coach pushing him to do more. 

Kevin says he's playing a trial lawyer -- why does he need to be ripped? He counts calories too and panics if he doesn't do two workouts a day and prefers working out alone in the garage. He got famous by taking his shirt off. He's not drinking anymore so he channels it into working out and it's not exactly healthy. He is afraid that he is going to pass his unhealthy habits onto his kids. He doesn't want to just be polite strangers with Madison. His parents were great and missed so much.

13-year-old Kevin works out on his own.

Randall does his therapy homework. He is writing about Kate's friend Tanya. We see that Tanya wanted to kiss him but he ran away. Later, Rebecca asks him how his day was. He says it was good. She says Tanya seems nice.

Kevin tells Madison he is an alcoholic and a workout addict with daddy issues. Also he wears shoes and socks at the beach sometimes. Madison tells him she has bulimia. It almost killed her when she was 17. She has it under control now but sometimes her state of mind is determined by her weight. Also she's obsessed with Outlander.

Randall puts his journal away next to a book William gave him.

The little Vietnamese girl asks if the woman is the one in all the pictures. He says yes. The woman looks like Laurel.

This Is Us
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This Is Us Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Beth: There's a lot of teen 'tude up in here.
Randall: One day you've hung the moon, the next you're warding off famine and pestilence.

It's not often that I send parents off with three teenagers who are all going through puberty at the exact same time. Good luck.
