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At the pool, Kate stares at some girl doing the backstroke and doesn't want to go in because it's "cold". Kate grabs Rebecca's arm hard to avoid going in.

The teens are leaving the pool. They discover the door is no longer propped open and they are locked in.

We see the replay of Rebecca telling her adult children that her disease cannot hold them back.

Kate tells Toby she wants to go to San Fran with Toby for the weekend and see how it feels.

Kate Facetimes Toby. They are both so happy and excited.

Kate sings to Jack and Haley as she takes them to the park.

Later, she has a cake for a co-worker for her retirement but skips the cake herself.

Kate tells Madison she feels like she misses the old Toby. Madison encourages her to go see him. Kate makes plans but Toby is working and can't pick her up at the airport. She puts on a good face but says afterward this sucks and imagines the old Toby behind her in the mirror.

Little Kate doesn't want to go in the water. Rebecca turns around and sees Kevin's attempt to swim. Rebecca goes after Kevin and Kate says that she's not putting her face in the water.

Teenaged Kate feels her life in Pitssburgh is empty.

Toby is excited that Kate is here and has gotten champagne. He is excited to show her the view of the city from his window. Toby is nervous because it's been so long. Kate says let's not waste time. Toby promises. They have 20 minutes before the vegan barbecue arrives.

After sex, Toby says she misses that... she means him. She suggests watching the Great British Bakeoff. But he has to make a work call first. Kate, while left alone, imagines the old Toby is there and making fun of toby's clothes. Kate gets upset when he says he's a fat guy in a little coat. He says he's trying to make her laugh.

The next morning, Toby brings Kate coffee from his favorite coffee shop. He has plans for them, including a cocktail party for the boss and a fancy dinner. Kate says it sounds amazing. Toby can tell she's upset. Kate just wanted to be spontaneous, no plans or pressure. Toby says being together is the only thing that matters. They decide to go on the trolley. Kate calls the kids but Toby has another work call that interferes.

Toby takes Kate to a house for sale. He thinks they should buy it so she can move there with the kids. The realtor is thrilled to finally meet Kate. The owners will leave the trampoline for the kids. Kate is stunned and looks unhappy. She tells Toby she's overwhelmed. Toby says they have plenty of time because the owners aren't accepting offers for 2 days. He says he has gotten preapproval for a loan. He has put a lot of thought into this. We can do this . We can make a life together.

Kate is still scared of the water. Jack says how about floating on her back?

Kevin tells Kate that everything is weird because Dad is gone. Randall says focus on your future. Kate says the problem is she can't think of what she wants to do.

Toby's Lyft driver has cancelled and they can walk but it's all uphill so he'll order another Lyft.

Toby takes Kate to his boss' party. Kate gets stuck talking to one of Toby's co-workers about his job. Toby rescues her from this guy but Kate says hse's doing great. Some co-worker interrupts to argue with Toby about fantasy basketball teams. Kate goes to the buffet and grabs desserts. His boss, Amir, is glad that Toby turned down a job offer back in LA. Kate walks off upset. She sits down outside and imagines the old Toby sitting with her.

Kate goes to get Toby and insists they need to leave right now. Toby asks what's wrong. Kate is upset about the job offer. Toby explains how he applied before this job. Kate says he lied and made a fool out of her.

At home Kate asks how much does the job pay up here? She wants to know how much it's worth for her to give up her job and her family. Toby says that's not fair. Toby says this is all for their family. Kate says with Jack being blind it's hard to put him in a new environment. Toby says it would be so expensive to send Jack to a special school or assistive technology. He wants  to make sure Jack has everything he needs to do whatever he wants. Kate realizes Toby is happier up here. Toby says he's away from his family and exhausted. Kate says why can't he admit he's happy. Toby says doesn't she want that for him? Yes, but she misses the old Toby. Toby says that guy was a mess and she was in love with a coping mechanism. The old Toby would have died .What was so terrible about him right now? She says he's changed. He says what about you? You love the life you're living without me.

Kate admits she finally feels she has a purpose and is happy in her life except for one thing that makes her really sad.

Toby gives Kate coffee. He says they should have talked about the LA offer. And how he felt desperate to feel valued at his job. He finally is not just taking up space and neither is Kate. They've both figured out their worth. They evolved. He loves her and their family but there are logistics and they have to move to San Francisco because there are no other options.  Kate says she has to go get some air.

Kevin says they have to climb over the fence.

Kate goes and looks at the house that Toby has picked out.

Jack tells little Kate that everyone believes she can do it but she needs to believe she can do it.

Randall says he'll climb over to the other side and then help the others down. Kevin gets on top of the fence and tells Kate one step at a time.

Kate walks up the hill one step at a time.

Kate doesn't ever want to let go of Jack.

Teenage kate is nervous about climbing the fence. She falls and says she can't do this.

Jack takes Kate out of the water. Rebecca comes back with Kevin. Jack says today is not the day.

Kate gets to the top of the hill. She calls Philip and says she wants to be considered for


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This Is Us Season 6 Episode 9 Quotes

You blow bubbles in the water all the time. Watch, Mommy's going to do it. to herself] Ooh... there's probably a lot of pee in this pool.


Kate: You know what's funny? Sometimes I imagine hanging out with old Toby.
Madison: Old Toby?
Kate: Yeah who he was before he lost all the weight and got this new job and fancy clothes.