Bishop: Have we got our killer?
Gibbs: Nope. Just a liar.

Sloane: I’m flattered, Gibbs! Finally made it to your Inner Sanctum.
Gibbs: It’s a basement.

Gibbs: McGee, go see Triff. Find out what he knows.
McGee: Me? Boss, you sure *you* don’t want to talk to him instead?
Gibbs: You know him better than I do!
McGee: ...Anyone wanna trade?
Torres: Oh, I have to look at my screen and stuff.
Bishop: I got a thing.

Gibbs: Tobias, stay!
Fornell: I’m not your poodle, Gibbs!

Gibbs [enters in a hurry]: He’s right behind me, and you gotta say no!
Vance [confused]: Say no to what?
Fornell [enters leisurely]: Director! It’s good to see you.

Gibbs: Tobias? What the hell’s going on?
Fornell: What’s going on? You got me fired!

Welcome to the uncomfortable room with the one-way mirror.

This is one of the obligations of the job… I will never feel comfortable with.

Gibbs [about notification of the suicide]

Vance: Agent Torres, you disobeyed a direct order!
Torres: I thought it was more a suggestion…
Vance: That’s *not* the direction you want to go in!
Torres: Fine. I made a choice.
Gibbs: Not your call to make, Nick. You put your partner at risk.

McGee: Where’s they go?
Gibbs: Not the question.
McGee: What happened?
Gibbs: *That’s* the question!

Parents always love their kids. No matter what happens.

I keep forgetting you’re really good at what you do!

Sloane [to Gibbs]

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?