I don't know what that other Quentin thought. But in this world, I love you. No matter what. I love you.


Eliot: Your husband is about to welcome another husband into his bed.
Fen: You're a king. Of course you will. I gather three person marriage isn't normal on Earth.
Eliot: Not outside of Utah. Or some websites.
Fen: Those are cities made of pixels, right?

Margo: Why am I staring at a plate of half-eaten nachos?
Eilot: A question I've asked myself very often at three a.m.

Julia: You don't know me.
Dean Fogg: 39 times I've known you. Which is why I trust that you'll put aside your fear and self-pity and look for answers that can save you.

Margo: If you keep drinking, I will seriously cut a bitch.
Quentin: You never yell at Eliot for being drunk.
Margo: Because Eliot's fun. You're depressing. It's been three months.
Quentin: Technically, it's only been a couple of days on Earth. So...
Margo: Three months on Fillory. Of Emo Quentin. Not my favorite Quentin.
Quentin: I didn't know that you liked any of the Quentins.

If you miss my wedding, I will you kill.

Eliot [hugs Quentin]

Alice, Quentin says go free.


Penny: Why are you here anyway?
Julia: I killed trees.
Penny: Seriously?
Julia: That could talk.
Kady: They have talking trees here?
Julia: Not anymore.

We may be the least trusted monarchs in the history of Fillory. Thank God they don't have polls here.


Quentin: I don't want to know a world without Alice.
Alice: Keep this up and you won't have to. We'll both be dead. Good plan.

May I help you steal from me?


We are not killing a U.S. Senator [pauses]. But we will commit a felony almost as stupid.


The Magicians Season 2 Quotes

I think I like her. I hope I like her.


Eliot: I vote that we don't touch it on the grounds that exploding Fillory wouldn't help.
Quentin: Okay. We need a new plan.
Margo: What plan? The Beast is gone. Our squad is a joke. What plan, exactly?
Eliot: We'll figure it out. We always do.
Margo: When it's a test to cheat on. Not when we're stuck in some epic fantasy that likes to behead heroes halfway through season one. If we even are heroes. We might be comic relief.