Margo: Look, I really thought I was doing the right thing.
Ronan: By robbing us of our homeland?
Margo: By giving you a place where you and your weird mushroom eggs could survive.
Ronan: You promised sanctuary and left us vulnerable when your people persecuted us because we had no way to defend ourselves. You abandoned us.
Fen: And you can understand how that would make the fairies feel, can’t you Margo?
Margo: OK, yeah, of course, I’m sorry you went through that, but it was after my reign ended.
Ronan: You really think that justifies the harm you set into motion?
Margo: Jesus. You step out for 300 goddamn years and a bunch of Gossip Girls turn your whole life into the Nuremberg trials.
Fen: Margo.
Margo: Look, this diplomatic milk bath is all very kabuki, but let me tell you what my dad always said: You can’t fix stupid. Skipping past the fact he always said it to me, I’ll add, ‘I’m not the problem here, and if you don’t work with me to bring down the Dark King, you’re Olympic gold medal stupid.

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The Magicians Season 5 Episode 7: "Acting Dean"
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The Magicians Season 5 Episode 7 Quotes

Margo: Yeah, no shit Fillory’s in trouble. Goes by the name of the Dark King.
Eliot: Or whoever’s ordering dark shit on his behalf. We’re still investigating.
Margo: Which we were kinda in the middle of until you dragged us here ‘cuz you were sure bacon mcswine flu was talking about the harmonic convergence.
Julia: Oops. We accidentally stopped billions of people from dying. I’m sorry.

Todd: Something, something Fillory, a most amazing land, but fucked by catastrophe, and way before we planned. La la blah blah Fillory, a land without a god. Needs a brand new hero, a strapping land named …
Julia: Todd, please stop. OK, I just want to get this straight: So pig man gave you the quest in the form of a song?
Todd: Yeah. I might have changed some of lines, but that’s the gist. There’s also like three more verses, and the key change is tricky.
Julia: Or you could just write it down.
Todd: Oh, I did. The parts I could remember anyway on a couple of napkins, and then on the back of my hand. But don’t worry, I transferred that to another napkin. But short version: Fillory is in real trouble. He said death is coming for everyone, and then he rhymed that with smeveryone. Anyway, could you please help me?
Julia: I’m not going to help you; I’m going to take over entirely for you.
Todd: Oh thank god because I am dangerously underqualified for this.
Julia: I know.