Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 9 - Sweet Justice
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The episode opens with Joe, the bartender, teaching a new and younger bartender when Ivy, a regular at Joe's high-end bar, comes in frustrated.

Ivy explains to Joe that her entire day was ruined when she was reminded on social media about a girl named Gemma who ruined Ivy's life when the two girls were roommates in college.

The next time, while Ivy is out of town, Joe tracks down Gemma's apartment before breaking in and strangling the sleeping woman.

As Elsbeth, Kaya, and Detective Smullen investigate the crime scene, the real Gemma comes home, revealing that the woman killed had only been staying in the apartment for the night.

Ivy calls Joe later to tell him about the murder. After the initial shock, Joe concludes that he killed the wrong woman.

Detective Smullen, Elsbeth, and Kaya got to speak with Gemma about their suspicions, but the woman rejects the idea that Ivy is trying to kill her because Ivy is too much of a loser to pull off something like that.

The police and Ivy arrive at Joe's bar and make a show of arresting the young, new bartender, coercing a confession from the bar owner.

Meanwhile, agent Celetano is ready to proceed with charges against Wagner.

As Elsbeth and the captain stake out Lieutenant Noonan, they're able to catch him red-handed before placing him in cuffs.

After Captain Wagner has been cleared of any misdeeds, he tells Elsbeth that he wants her to leave because he can't trust her.

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Elsbeth Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Elsbeth: It's kind of eery, isn't it? She looks so peaceful.
Kaya: Yeah, dead people usually do.

Ivy: Yeah, she's got a cute boyfriend and hangs with rappers and influencers, Face it, Joe. Evil people win.
Joe: It didn't use to be that way. If you did something wrong, there were consequences.